So they can steal and hack your Instagram account


"How to hack an instagram account from the mobile phone", "hack instagram without paying", "how to hack an instagram account from the mobile free", "hack instagram password for free without verification" ... There are many searches related to the theft of Instagram accounts. Unfortunately, there are also many ways to hack an Instagram account either through mobile or via PC. Some time ago we gave you some tricks to know if someone has accessed your account on the photography social network, and today we will teach you how to avoid falling into one of the biggest problems of Mark Zuckerberg's application .

Stealing an Instagram account: it's that easy in 2018

We just mentioned it: there are numerous ways to hack an Instagram account. Fortunately, the way to detect them in many cases is very simple. Next we will see the three most recurrent ways to steal Instagram passwords and how they are detected.

Through a link

Perhaps the most undetectable form and the one most used by hackers or "friends" not so friendly. The modus operandi to follow in this case is very simple. The person in question sends us a supposed link to an Instagram photo . This link, despite being a totally valid link in appearance, will take us to a page traced to Instagram, although in this case instead of our profile appearing, the login interface will appear to enter our username and password . How to detect it then? Simple: through the security certificate.

fake instagram 3

Both in Google Chrome and in Firefox and in the majority of well-known browsers an option is included that allows us to see said certificate. In Chrome it is as simple as clicking on the padlock shown on the left side of the address .

instagram password

Then, a window will be shown with all the details of the certificate. To make sure that it is Instagram, it is best to click on Details to see all the data of the certificate in question . If the owner is Instagram, then the link is totally reliable.

Via email

Another very common form although more detectable than the previous one. The way to proceed in this case is similar to that of the link. We receive  an alleged email notifying us that they have tried to access our profile in the email inbox that we have configured on Instagram. This email contains an aesthetic similar to the official Instagram emails and a seemingly real link that points to the official page. Obviously, both the email and the link are totally false. The way to detect it is just as simple as the previous one.

fake email instagram

The first thing we will have to do is, as you may have imagined, look at the email address in question . If it has strange characters or is different from the Instagram domain ( @ ), then it is most likely a fake email. We can also resort to the previous method by accessing the link which directs us to the page and observing its security certificate, although it is common for the login screen to be entered directly in the email.

In any case, it is best to go to the application on our mobile to change the Instagram password; never from an email or link provided by someone else .

Through web pages or applications

The last most common form is even more frequent than the previous ones. Surely you have ever downloaded an application that promises to see the people who have visited our profile  or to obtain the data of another person such as photos or their email and password. It is also likely that these applications or web pages have asked you for your username and password. And guess how they got your password… Exactly, you gave it to them yourself.

fake instagram app

In this case it is best to change our password as soon as possible. In this other article we teach you to change your Instagram password in case you have lost it.