How to share a private video using YouTube

youtube private

By default, every time you upload a video to YouTube , it is shared with everyone. That is, it is public , because anyone can see it. If you want to prevent that from happening, and limit your audience for whatever reason, this is very easy to do. Just follow a few simple steps. Thus, you can preserve that content in privacy or share it only with a very selected group of people. The option to upload a private video has some limitations. The private link can only be shared with 25 Internet users using their email addresses; also each of them must have an account inYouTube to view the video.

The procedure is simple. When uploading the video to YouTube and selecting the file, just open the drop-down menu, and choose the private option. Once uploaded, a menu will appear on the left with the status of the video (private). Below that is a text box where you can add the people you want to share it with . You have to save the changes when you are done. On the other hand, you can also make a previously uploaded video that was public private. It is necessary to enter your YouTube channel and click on your username in the upper right corner of the screen, and select the Video Manager. Then you have to choose the video you want to leave as private, and check the Information and settings option from the drop-down menu. Then, within the privacy section, you have to choose Private. Then it is necessary to indicate the e-mails or YouTube user names with which you want to share the private video. Those authorized will receive an e-mail message with access instructions.

youtube private

YouTube offers two methods for managing content privacy : hidden videos and private videos . First, you can change the status of an uploaded video to Hidden, so that it will not appear in the Videos tab of your channel, nor will it appear in the results of YouTube searches, unless someone has added it to a public playlist. Of course, anyone who has the hidden video link can view it. Anyone you provide a link to a hidden video will be able to access it, even if they don't have a Google account.

Second, private videos are invisible to other users. They are neither listed on your channel nor in search results. Only you can see it, and the people you choose. In order to share a private video, your YouTube channel must be linked to a Google + account . In that case, under the Privacy Settings drop-down menu , a drop-down menu will appear in which you can add profiles or e-mail addresses of the users with whom you want to share, who must have a Google account. It is also possible to share videos with your Google+ circles .

Finally, the team YouTube has prepared this video that explains how to set the privacy of the contents step by step.