10 funny memes to congratulate on Mother's Day

10 funny memes to congratulate on Mother's Day

Today, Sunday, May 6, we celebrate Mother's Day in Spain. All mothers deserve to be congratulated on this day. For this we have chosen ten memes that you can send them as a form of congratulations, there is nothing better than humor in this type of celebration.

The gift matters

Yes, we have all forgotten the gift of Mother's Day at one time or another. It does not matter that we have been planning it for many days or even months, sometimes it is almost inevitable. But hey, even if you don't have a gift, the intention is what counts, right? If you've forgotten to buy her something this year, there's no better way to tell her with a meme.

10 funny memes to congratulate on Mother's Day

He may be so amused that he even forgives you. But hey, we are not responsible if the reaction is different. Of course, do not be grabbed or grabbed and invite her to lunch or dinner. We already know that a mother's love is infinite, but we must not play at the limit.

Do not give away household products or appliances

Sons and daughters of the whole world. We are in the 21st century, if for Mother's Day you see household products or electrical appliances advertised, don't buy them for your mother as a gift . Who wants a deep fryer that doesn't need oil? Let's be reasonable and logical people, no matter how desperate we are for a gift, do not go to these products.

10 funny memes to congratulate on Mother's Day

Remember, a mother is not only a person who is at home and supports you, she is also a person with interests and hobbies. Dig a bit and you will find something you want to have. Do not go to easy solutions that a beautiful day like this can turn into something very ugly.

Mother's Day is not a competition

Many mothers may now use Facebook and their sons or daughters have the need to express their love by writing on their wall. But let's face it, we do it because everyone else does it. You have to look good with the rest, although later this greeting does not even get to be read by our mother.

10 funny memes to congratulate on Mother's Day

Let's be more practical, as I said at the beginning there is nothing better than giving something that you can enjoy . Words on a social network are not a gift. If you have, send this meme to your mothers and see what they think. Surely she would rather spend an afternoon with you than a post on Facebook.

Today is the perfect day to leave them alone

Being a mother is something precious, if you ask your mother what her most beautiful day was, she will surely tell you that it was the day you were born. Well, this may change if you are several children, but you understand what I mean. If you love her as much as you claim, today is the perfect day for her to stop thinking like a mother and enjoy herself.

10 funny memes to congratulate on Mother's Day

Parents, sons and daughters, today is the day to take care of everything. I know that most of you work at home because it is normal, but today may be the day for your mother to stop thinking like a mother and to rest from all her obligations. We all like to evade our responsibilities, even for a day.

We are not perfect children

As much as we believe we deserve our mother's love, we must do a little reflection and realize that it is not so. Today being Mother's Day is the perfect time to reflect on how we can improve. Of course, your mother is the example to follow and will always think that she was a model daughter. We dedicate this meme to those mothers.

10 funny memes to congratulate on Mother's Day

Every day should be Mother's Day

A day with its 24 hours is very little time to show love for mothers. You have to love them each and every day of the year. That is why they are our mothers and they have raised us, one day is not enough. It is not necessary to compete today to see who is the one who loves her mother the most if not every day to revile her with small but emotional gestures.

10 funny memes to congratulate on Mother's Day

Keep your mother company without your mobile

If you have decided to spend Mother's Day with your mother, leave your mobile at home. It bothers us all when they ignore us. It is not necessary to be constantly looking at your mobile, you are not missing anything. Turn it off and enjoy some quality time with her. It may not seem like much, but for a mother, time with a child can be most wonderful.

10 funny memes to congratulate on Mother's Day

Celebrate for her and with her

10 funny memes to congratulate on Mother's Day

Mother's Day is to be with her. If because of the distance you cannot be together. You can always go out and celebrate for her, although it is best to celebrate with her. That we all like a cold beer on a terrace. If the weather is good, take your cane mother and you will see how happy you two end up.

You have to have discretion

10 funny memes to congratulate on Mother's Day

When you are little the gifts of the mother used to be something that we had done. As we grow, this changes and we prefer to buy something. If Mother's Day is approaching, do not ask her for money because she will know that it is for her gift . That is not something to condemn, but it is less funny if she knows that you are going to buy her something. Surprise is what makes gifts beautiful.

There is no better gift than obeying a mother

10 funny memes to congratulate on Mother's Day

If, on the other hand, you do not have sufficient funds to give him a gift. The best thing you can do is forget about all your worries today. If you have a dirty room, today is the perfect day to leave it completely clean and tidy. Obeying a mother costs nothing and makes them really happy.