Amazon Flex, requirements and conditions to be an Amazon dealer

Amazon Flex, requirements and conditions to be an Amazon dealer

Are you looking for a job? You may be interested to know that the famous Amazon is looking for workers. Of course, for her parcel business she has preferred to use the Deliveroo work formula. You know, a famous transportation and delivery company. And it is that the messengers of Amazon will also be autonomous . With his own car, his own mobile and his own quota of freelancers. This is Amazon Flex, and these are the requirements to be an Amazon dealer.

A car, a mobile and free hours

Amazon Flex is already offered through its own website, as announced by El Confidencial, although it is still in launch. Here it is possible to consult Amazon's job proposal, focused on freelancers with free time, their own vehicle and Android or iPhone mobile.

A kind of extra work with which to get a bonus of 14 euros an hour distributing the Amazon packages . All this managed through its own application, and establishing what the working hours are available to make deliveries.

amazon flex


The first thing is to register on the Amazon Flex website. Just enter name, email and phone number. Once this step is carried out, the user is redirected to the Amazon Flex service, from where they can download the mobile application .

In the application the other part of the registration is carried out. It consists of selecting the work region, which at the moment is only Madrid . Although Valencia will also be available soon. You also have to verify the possession of a driver's license, as well as the affiliation to Social Security. The curious thing is that, in addition, you have to show that you do not have a criminal record.


The Amazon Flex app

This is the nerve center of the worker, which means being glued to the phone both to pick up and to know where to deliver the package. You just have to set the time available for deliveries to start delivering .

Amazon Flex lets you choose a two-hour block when it best suits the worker . Or mark any of the periods that are free to cover them. From there you just have to go to the collection point, scan the package code with the mobile application and take it to the destination.

The Amazon Flex application is responsible for directing and suggesting different paths and routes to reach your destination . Here the delivery is confirmed and the next package continues. From the application it is also possible to confirm the income obtained after the two-hour work blocks.

amazon now

Salary and conditions

As we have already said, Amazon pursues the Deliveroo work model, where the delivery people are autonomous. This means that you have to be registered with Social Security on your own . What it means to pay an established monthly fee, whatever the job is. In addition, it must be taken into account that the payment of gasoline is paid by the worker. Amazon is not responsible for fuel costs or other transportation issues. In fact, it is the worker himself who has to provide his own vehicle. In several sections of Amazon Flex it is specified that the vehicle must be a car. Of course it must be a vehicle bulky enough to carry all the packages in the delivery area .

As for the salary, Amazon Flex offers two-hour work days for 28 euros . That is, a total amount of 14 euros per hour. The money is received on Tuesdays and Fridays of each week, depending on the chosen work blocks.