How to send files up to 1 GB via Facebook

How to send files up to 1 GB via Facebook 1

There is already a way to send large files through Facebook , the most used social network of the moment. Starting today, the delivery service called Pipe allows users to send large files - up to 1GB - directly and quickly via Facebook . The application already existed before, but the truth is that until today it has not been available outside of the provisional beta version. This means that during this process, the file submission process has been fine-tuned to an optimal performance level. What you can do with  Pipe is send files in real time to other Facebook users through aP2P (Peer-To-Peer) connection . Until now, only a few privileged users had been able to access this private beta, through an invitation. As of today, Pipe is openly available , so it can be accessed by anyone who needs to send large files. But how?

Pipe 02

1) If you access the Pipe page right now you will see that a counter is marking how much is left for the official premiere of the application. In fact, the service will start working from this noon. When it is operational, install the application on your Facebook . The operation will only take a few seconds.

2) Once this step is solved and the terms accepted, you will see that using Pipe is very simple . Make sure your friend is online and select the file you want to send them. You just have to drag and drop to add it to the shipping queue. If your friend is not registered in Pipe , they will immediately receive an invitation to install the application .

In case your friend is not connected, the shipment will not be able to be formalized in an optimal way. Only files that are less than 100 MB can be sent : they will then be stored in a temporary repository . They can stay there for a maximum of five days, and then disappear.

But will Facebook and Pipe spy on what files I send?

Not at the beginning. This has been guaranteed by Pipe . Do not lose sight of the fact that file transfer is done through P2P technology  . This means that neither Facebook nor Pipe can have access to the content that is being transferred by users.

What if I want to send larger files?

Well, it seems that at the moment Pipe does not have a business plan that has contemplated the possibility of allowing the sending of files larger than 1 GB . However, the company has already communicated that it is studying different payment methods or premium accounts that would give the user the possibility of sharing larger content. Everything will be seen.

For now, you can access the official edition of Pipe - not Beta , to understand us - and install it on your Facebook . Make sure you have logged in to make the process easier. If before it is available you want to know a little more about the application and acclimatize to its operation, you can consult the video that we have shared at the top or directly access the Pipe page on Facebook . If you have already had the chance to try the service, you can share your experience through the comments section ...