Fix your PC instability by restoring TrustedInstaller property

Fix your PC instability by restoring TrustedInstaller property

Windows 10 is an operating system that generally does not allow you to modify critical files and folders on the system. However, there are some advanced tricks that can be used to modify the properties of files and folders, and thereby make modifications. If your operating system is having stability issues, you may be able to fix it by restoring the TrustedInstaller property .

Fix stability issues related to TrustedInstaller

Restoring ownership of TrustedInstaller is a fairly simple trick, which can be used to troubleshoot Windows instability problems , which have appeared due to modifying a system file or folder, and even a registry key.

This procedure is quite simple, and as always we are going to show it to you in detail, so that you do not have any problem when applying it.

The first step will be to locate the folder whose property we want to modify , in this case we will apply it to the “Windows” folder, which contains all the folders and files that are part of the Windows 10 operating system.

Once the folder in question is located, click on it with the right mouse button, and then select the " Properties " option to access the advanced options

Restore ownership of TrustedInstaller 1

Once the properties of the folder have been opened, we need to go to the " Security " tab , where all the permissions related to this specific folder will be displayed. Now we need to click on the " Advanced Options " button at the bottom of the interface.

Restore ownership of TrustedInstaller 2

When the advanced configuration window has opened, what you will have to do is remove your username from the " Permissions " section . To do this, all you have to do is select the username you want to delete with the mouse pointer, and then click on the " Remove " button .

Restore ownership of TrustedInstaller 3

You may not see your username in the advanced options for this folder. This means that you have not obtained full permissions on this folder and everything that it contains. If this is the case, just skip the previous step and move on.

Once you have removed your username from the folder's advanced permissions, you need to click the “ Change ” button located next to the Owner at the top of the interface. This is the option we will use to change the owner of the folder.

Restore ownership of TrustedInstaller 4

In doing so, a new window is applied in which we will be asked to "Select user or group". Just copy " NT ServiceTrustedInstaller " into the "Enter the name of the object to select" field, and then click the "Check names" button.

By doing this, Windows will automatically convert it to the actual name of the object in question. Then, all you have to do is click the " OK " button to apply the changes, and continue with this tutorial.

Restore ownership of TrustedInstaller 06

The next step is to select the box "Replace owner in subcontainers and objects", and then click on the "Apply" button, so that all modifications are applied to the folders and files contained inside the folder.

After that Windows will immediately begin to apply all the changes. It is a process that can take a few minutes, depending on the number of folders and files that are inside the folder whose property you are modifying.

At the end of the process, you will only have to click on the "OK" button to close the dialog box, and then you will have to restart the system, so that all the modifications are applied correctly.