How to know if your message has been sent or read on Facebook Messenger


It is very likely that you already know how to do it or, if you are an inexperienced user, we still have to explain it to you step by step , from the beginning. We are talking about Facebook messaging . For some time now, users of this famous social network have had to download an additional application called Facebook Messenger to their mobiles, in order to be able to interact correctly (and privately) with their friends. It is actually just any messaging app , but it contains some icons that can sometimes confuse us. If you feel overwhelmed by the signs that appear right next to your messages, below we will clarify what they representand how you can know if your communications have been sent or read by the recipient. But what do these signs consist of and how can we differentiate them? Here is the explanation.

First, open the Facebook Messenger application on your mobile device. If you discover any of the conversations that you have had so far, you will be able to verify that there are up to three types of blue circles, in addition to a blue circle and a screenshot of your friends' miniature photo that appears at the end of the messages.

facebook circles 01

And now let's see what all this means:

  • If the circle is gray and looks like a clock, the message is on hold, that is, it has not yet been sent. Why is this happening? Well, surely because you are not connected to any network or because the potential of your connection is too small to transfer your message. This will happen more frequently when sending large files or photos.
  • Blue circle, but empty . It is possible that just after typing your message a blue circle appeared, but empty inside. This means that the message is in the process of being sent. In other words: everything is ready and the transfer is about to start.
  • A blue circle with the check sign inside . The message has already been sent, so you can count on it has already left your phone to go to your recipient or recipients.
  • A completely filled blue circle . That the message has not yet arrived? Well, no. For this to be the case, a completely filled blue circle will have to appear. This is the sign that Facebook uses to tell you that the text, image or file in question has already been delivered. At last!


But how can I know if the message has been read or not by the recipient ? Well, very easy. Here's the last sign: a miniature - and circled - version of your friend's photo. When your contact has read the message you have sent , this small icon will appear at the end of the text or photo you have sent. Here you can also check the exact time the message has been sent. Simply by clicking on this icon and you can verify it.