Scratched or grated? Dictionary of doubts to write well on the Internet

scratched or grated as you spell

How do you write, scratched or grated? Is it I'm grated or am I scratched? What does scratched and grated mean? Do you write line or line? The number of questions on the Internet about these two homophone verbs are counted in the tens. Due to their similar spelling, most people tend to confuse both terms when using them in certain sentences. Beyond this resemblance, the truth is the words have nothing to do with each other, as we will see below. In other words, they cannot be substituted for each other, as they refer to totally different actions.

When can scratch be used?

The verb to scratch refers to the action of making lines on an object or surface. For this reason the verb writes with 'y' and not with 'll'. For example, scratching a glass, scratching the car, scratching the blackboard, scratching a wall, scratching a sheet of paper ...

When is grating used?

Unlike scratching, the verb grating refers to the action of crushing, disassembling or shredding something that has been pressed against another surface , usually a grater. Grate the cheese, grate chocolate, lemon zest ...

So is it written scratched or grated?

Like all Spanish verbs, the use of scratching and grating depends on the context. A good way to remember the use of each of the verbs in a certain context is based on observing if some kind of allusion is made to the lines.

Well written:



I need to seriously discuss the existence of grated coconut and their need to ruin everything with it.

- ALDANA (@DornellesAldana) July 6, 2020


How grated to think that we have given each other the last kiss, the last hug… with a person without knowing that this would be our last time.

- crisss (@ cristinacg_27) June 29, 2020


In the phrase “I am striped”, the verb is written with 'and' , since it is understood that the subject is “confused” among so many “stripes”. In fact, there is no real context that allows us to use the expression "I'm grated." The expression "I'm grating" can be used, but never "I'm grating" unless we are a piece of fruit. Nor is it the most correct use. The ideal would be to use "confused" or "confused" in a formal or written conversation, as it is a colloquial term not recognized by the RAE today. After all, it is a "word" of recent creation.

Grated phrases

  • Juan, have you grated the cheese like I told you this morning?
  • I'm grating the chocolate in the dessert so it's not so cloying.
  • Grating the lemon peel gives the yogurt an acid touch.

Phrases with striped

  • Who scratched my car this morning? This streak wasn't there when I went to work.
  • I'm scratched, I think I need a conversation with you.
  • As I find out who has scratched the board will have a week of punishment.

Scratched and grated phrases

  • Mom, the cheese grater is very scratched, do you think it will work for the grating tomorrow?
  • Seeing all the grated chocolate on the ground after half an hour grating has completely scratched me.
  • The grating of this grater no longer grates because it is very scratched, you will have to buy a new one.

List of doubts to write well on the Internet

  • Let's see, have or have?
  • Has it been said, has it been said or is it said?
  • So, so or so?
  • If not or if not?
  • Haya, find, there or there?
  • Why, why, why or why?
  • Is there, there or ay?
  • Whoops, fence, berry or balla?
  • Done or done?