The 10 functions you should know in Google Docs spreadsheets

The 10 functions you should know in Google Docs spreadsheets

Google Docs spreadsheets can save you a lot of work. But they can also complicate things if you don't know how to get the most out of them. Did you know that there are a lot of functions to do certain tasks in a more automated way?

When working with a lot of data , it is important to know how to use this tool in the most efficient way. And you can let yourself be helped by the so-called functions. Today we have decided to compile here ten useful functions, which are not so easy to understand and which will get you out of a lot of trouble.

Willing to be more efficient with your spreadsheets in Google Docs? Read on to get started.

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1. Horizontal search

The horizontal search looks for a value in the first row of a range. It also provides the value of a specific cell within the localized column.

Syntax: HLOOKUP (lookup_value; interval; index; is_ordered)

2. Vertical search

In vertical search, the value is located in the first column of an interval. And it offers the value of a specific cell, within the found row.

Syntax:  VLOOKUP (search_value, interval, index, is_ordered)

3. Match search

In this case, what this function offers is to locate the relative position of an element in an interval, coinciding with the value that has been specified.

Syntax: MATCH (search_value, interval, search_type)

4. Count

This function allows you to count the numerical values ​​of a data set.

Syntax:  COUNT (value1; [value2;…])

There is another option that allows you to count the number of values ​​in a data set.

Syntax:  COUNTA (value1; [value2;…])

5. Choose

This is a very useful function for searching for items in a list. This function, called CHOOSE, offers an element from a list of options, according to the index that we have indicated. Up to 30 values ​​are supported.

Syntax:  CHOOSE (index, value1, value2)

6. Find

This function returns us the position in which a specific string of text is located for the first time. Double characters count as two.

Syntax:  FINDB (search_string, text_to_ search, [start_position])

7. Date

Within this function we find several different options or utilities. One of the most useful is the one that converts the year, month and day into a date . But there are more functions. And they are the following:

  • NOW. The current date and time as a date value. Syntax: NOW ()
  • YEAR. The specific year for a specified date. Syntax: YEAR (date)
  • DATE. Converts the specified year, month, and day to a date. Syntax. DATE (year, month, day)

8. Average

When you are interested in taking averages, this is a function that can also be very useful. In this case, the average of a set of selected values ​​is performed.

Syntax:  AVERAGE BD (database, field, criteria)

9. Maximum and Minimum

Through the MAX and MIN functions, the system allows us to locate the maximum and minimum values ​​of the numerical data sets included in the cells.

  • BDMIN . In this case, the minimum value selected within a range or array with database table structure is offered. The query is SQL type. Syntax:  BDMIN (database, field, criteria).
  • BDMAX . It is the maximum value selected, also within a range or array with a database structure. Syntax:  BDMAX (database, field, criteria).

10. Yes

Lastly, we have to mention the IF function . This is used to show one value or another, depending on whether a logical expression is true or false.

Syntax: AVERAGEIF (criterion_range, criterion, [average_range])

These are the basic functions to use the Google Docs spreadsheets . You should know, yes, that there are many more. If you want to learn how they work and keep saving time, you can check them out here.