5 tips when using Google Photos on your computer

5 tips when using Google Photos on your computer

Google Photos, the internet giant's cloud storage service, has been running as one of the best since it was created. It is easy to use and very intuitive. But there are those who miss that it is a service that goes beyond mobile. We also have Google Photos in the web version and we can do as many operations as the mobile version. So let's dive into the possibilities of Google Photos on a PC.

Know its interface by heart

Basically, in Google Photos desktop version we will see the same interface that we have in the mobile version. We see on the left a menu with 4 well differentiated parts: 'Assistant', 'Photos', 'albums' and 'Share'. In each of the sections we can perform the same operations as in the application, with the advantage of having a larger screen than that of a mobile phone. We will be able to create albums, collages, share the specific photos of a user with them ... Simply by changing the section, and synchronizing the photos we take on the mobile phone with the web version, we will have all the photos we take at our disposal.

Discover all the creations that you have not saved

Surely you have noticed that, from time to time, the Google photos app sends you notifications of some creations that the app makes by itself. Sometimes it surprises you with a selfie collage, or a new stylized photo with a filter that beautifies it. When it shows us the creation, we decide if you want to save it in the application or ignore it. What about the ones we haven't saved? We can recover it with this option.

You just have to enter the option of 'Assistant' and, at the bottom, you can read 'Creations not saved'. Here are stored, all the creations that you did not save in your day. Perhaps a work of art has escaped you ...

5 tips when using Google Photos on your computer 1

As you can see, you have four colored circles to create the different types of creations in Google Photos, 'album', 'shared album', 'Collage' and 'Animation'. Simply select any of these options and the system will tell you how to create them. For example, you can create an album by selecting the photos you want to include in it. We will do the same with the collage and animations.

Activate the unlimited space of Google Photos

Yes, Google Photos has infinite space for storing your photos, as long as they do not keep their original size. And in the PC version you can easily access this option, which will make you forget to pay a fee and have your photos stored on hard drives that may stop working after a while. To do this, press the hamburger menu that you have in the upper left, right next to the Google Photos logo (see screenshot above). Here you must enter 'Settings'.unlimited space google photos

Select a 'partner' to share the photos

One of the best options we have in Google Photos is to be able to choose a travel companion, a 'partner' with whom to share the library, all the photos or only the ones in which it appears. It can be your best friend or your partner. To configure the person with whom you want to share the photos, we do the following:

  • We go to the three-striped hamburger menu and click on 'Settings'.
  • Then, we look for the section 'Shared Libraries'. Click on the option.

partner google photos

  • A new window will be enabled in which you will simply have to choose the desired person.
  • Now decide which photos you want to be shared with that person: all or only the ones in which they appear. Through facial recognition , Google Photos will decide in which photos it appears and will share them directly with that person.

Choose which cards you want to appear in the wizard

The Google App sends you, from time to time, cards with utilities to enrich the experience and not remain in the mere photo gallery. You can choose which cards you want to appear in the wizard, in a very simple way. Simply, go to the configuration section and you will see the 'Wizard cards' section. By means of practical switches, you can activate or deactivate which cards you want the application to use.

google photos assistant cards

upload photos from pc to google photos