The best tips and tricks to earn Sponsored

The best tips and tricks to earn Sponsored

Apalabrados was launched on the market in October 2011 by the Argentine company Etermax, and since then it has always been one of the most popular games that we can enjoy on all types of electronic devices, from computers to mobiles and tablets. In this article we explain the best tips and tricks that you can use to always try to win in this fun and addictive game.

Multipliers are essential

Multipliers are an element of the Sponsored game that can give you a great advantage over your rivals , although to do this you must know how to use it wisely, and not miss a single opportunity. These multipliers allow you to multiply the amount of points you get with the letters and with the words.

Acclaimed multipliers

Apalabrados has letter multipliers that double and triple the letters respectively, as well as double and triple words. All of them are indicated by a set of signs that allow you to identify them in a very simple way, remaining as indicated below:

  • DL (Double Letter)
  • TL (Triple Letter)
  • DP (Double Word)
  • TP (Triple Word)

Take advantage of the board structure

The Apalabrados board design allows key combinations to be made both vertically and horizontally . This opens up a wide range of possibilities, which you cannot miss as the board fills up with letters.

board sponsored

The fuller the board is, the easier it is to build words that you were not imagining, and that of course your rivals are not expecting either. Always keep both eyes open for opportunities.

Don't lose sight of your opponent

We have mentioned that multipliers are one of the most powerful elements that word offers, remember that great power comes with great responsibility, which in this case is to watch your rivals carefully .

The same advantage that multipliers offer you, can work against you if they are used by one of your rivals. Do not lose sight of them to try to anticipate their next plays .

Take advantage of wildcards

Wilds are another element that is very important in the Applauded game. Its possibilities of use are many, but wildcards are very rare , so you should always make the best of them.

Before using one of your jokers, think about whether this is the best time to do it. Do you think it is worth spending it to solve a word, or is it better to wait for an opportunity to place the 7 letters on the lectern, and get the extra 40 points?

Use your wits

Regardless of the many advantages that it offers, and that you can take advantage of in your favor, nothing is more beneficial than making the most of your own ingenuity. As in all brain games, you must think in the best possible way to find all the opportunities, as well as the weaknesses that your rivals may be showing without realizing it.

bragged wit

Be patient

Patience is a fundamental element in all strategy and mind games. The resources that you have available in words are quite limited, and there is no option to recover them once you have used them. Therefore, you must manage the resources you have in the best possible way.

Save your most valuable letters to form the words that will earn you the most points possible. Before making a play, you should also think about whether it can be used by your opponent to make a profit. Finally, don't forget that it is always better to pass a turn than to make a bad move .

Soak up the culture

Knowledge is always one of the most powerful weapons we can count on when playing a mental game. Of course Apalabrados is no exception. The greater the number of words, expressions and concepts of all kinds that you know, the greater the probability that you will be able to solve the challenges that this game proposes you. It is not about studying, but never miss the opportunity to learn something new .

Prepare the best words

The letters j, n, x and z are the ones that have the most value in the game Appointed. The score for these keys is 8, 8, 8, and 10 points respectively. A very useful trick that you can use is to learn as many words as possible that are constructed using these letters.

Once we have clarified which are the most important tips to follow when playing sponsored games, we turn to see some of the best websites that we can find on the internet and that offer us resources related to this popular game.

applauded is one of the best websites you can find on the Internet to learn about the game of the same name. This portal will help you to always try to win. Something very interesting is that in addition to being able to use it from your computer's browser, it also has an application for iPhone.

Have you come across a word that you can't solve? Enter all the letters into, and its system will return a list with all the words that can be formed with the letters.


To further improve your ability, you also offer us the opportunity to introduce a pattern to limit the number of words that will be displayed. In other words, you can make the system show you only words that begin or end with a certain combination of letters.



WORdER is another very similar web portal As soon as you access it, you will see a space where you can place all the letters that the Apalabrados game offers you. With this, the system will offer you all the possible combinations with these letters. Of course, you can also set a word start or end pattern.

What do you think of our advice for the game Applauded? You can share the post on social media to help us reach more people.

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