All the options to configure the Google translator in Chrome

All the options to configure the Google translator in Chrome

Google Translate has its limitations, but in general it is a very useful tool. In the Chrome browser we have it integrated, and if we are able to control it, we can get a lot out of it . In this article we are going to show you the possibilities that you have available, both in web and mobile format.

Web version

The first thing we have to do is locate where the translator is. For that we have to click on the Chrome start button , the one with the three dots in the upper right corner. There we mark the Settings button. That will open a new tab with a settings menu.

Once there, we have to scroll down and select Show Advanced Settings. This will allow us to expand the settings options. One of them is Languages. In that section there is a button that says Language and input text settings . We mark it. This will take us to a table where we can select languages ​​in which we want to operate.

By default we will see Spanish from Spain and generic Spanish (for the rest of the world). We can add the languages ​​we want by clicking on the Add button, and also remove languages ​​by marking the X next to each selected language.

google chrome translator

In each language that we select, we will be able to mark a box that says " Offer translation of pages in this language ". If we mark it, the translator will give us the possibility to translate. If we do not mark it, the translator will understand that we understand the language and will not even give us that option.

Does that mean that we have to choose if we want to translate each and every language? No. This menu is designed precisely to mark the languages ​​that we already know. We close the window and return to the settings menu, at the level of Languages. There we will see a box that says " Ask if you want to translate pages that are not written in a language you understand ".

This means that, if we mark it, the translator will ask us by default in all the languages ​​that we have not previously marked . In the marked languages ​​we can also enable translation, as we have shown you before, in addition to spell checking.

Mobile version

For the mobile version we have to go to the start button, also with the three dots. There we mark Settings and, in the new menu, Website Settings . This will take us to a new menu where we have to choose the Google Translate option.

google chrome app translator

We will thus arrive at a very simple last menu where we can simply activate or deactivate the option that we are offered to translate the web pages that we visit in other languages. We will not be able to do more procedures than that from the Chrome of the mobile.

What do we do then if we want to customize the Chrome translator for our mobile? Our recommendation is to use the same Chrome account that you use on your computer , with the same Gmail account. In this way, the settings you have established will be kept when using the mobile.

Is it advisable to use the Google translator?

Google's tool for translating is really useful. However, we have to bear in mind that automatically translating full texts does not always work out well . Context, possible ironies, or even double meanings must be considered.

Therefore, the translator is useful to understand a text in a very generic way or for specific concepts . If you need to translate a text to carry out some type of study or understand information accurately, it is better that you go to Spanish sources. That, or go to a translator, a human one.