The best memes to withstand the cold better

The best memes to better endure the cold

There is no doubt, the cold is coming. It has gotten in very little by little, but finally we will not get rid of it. In fact, since yesterday a cold mass of arctic air has been entering the peninsula and the Balearic Islands, which will spread during these days. It will leave rainfall and a significant drop in temperatures. To better alleviate this drop in thermometers, there is nothing better than bundling up warmly, drinking hot drinks and being near a stove or radiator.

Another option is to take it easy and enjoy this time too. If you are one of those who like heat more, you will not have another. Laughing at the cold and sharing this moment with other people is the smart thing to do. To do this, we leave you a selection of memes with which you can better endure these stark gray and icy days.

cold cat

These days you probably look like your cat and don't even want to see the water. If you live in a house without heating, it can be hard to shower. Since you will have to clean yourself, it is best not to forget to put a stove or radiator in a while before. Try to enjoy a bath with very hot water. You probably have a friend who's got that face when they talk about the shower these days. Don't forget to send him this meme on WhatsApp or share it on your social networks.

Cold titanic

Do you remember the movie Titanic? Leonardo Di Caprio played Jack Dawson, a poor man from Wisconsin who got two third-class tickets to embark for New York. The truth is that Jack never came. He was able to save himself from the sinking of the ship, but there was something that prevented him. Yes, the cold of the Atlantic in the middle of the morning. He could not be rescued and died frozen in the sea for giving his beloved a wooden board. This meme is an exaggeration, at least if you send it from Spain. Although we imagine that if you live in Burgos or in the north, it will not be strange to send it one night to your friends on WhatsApp.

Cold thor

Surely more than one or more would like Chris Hemsworth to tuck them in these hard and cold days. Well, that luck can only be for Elsa Pataky, but you can always console yourself and have a laugh by sending this meme. The actor plays the role of Thor in The Avengers, with which he has achieved worldwide success. Hemsworth plays an arrogant prince who is banished to Earth without his weapon, the Mjolnir hammer. It also has no powers. Basically he is forced to live among humans as punishment for his vain deeds.

cold winter

Going to work these days can be very complicated, especially if you do it between six and eight, the hours when it is coldest. This meme can be perfect for your friends to know what you are going through. It is possible that you even have the same face when you cross the portal, open the door and find yourself with the harsh reality. Take courage and put on your best coat, scarf and gloves. Hopefully at least in your workplace you have a good heating device. If you dedicate yourself to working on the street, yours is much more complicated. Of course, this meme suits you like a glove.

cold cat

Cats are the most adorable animals on the face of the earth. That is why feline memes are so highly valued and beloved. This specifically goes to show clearly that yes, indeed, the cold has arrived. Cats can spend two-thirds of the day sleeping and like to do so in warm, comfortable places. Surely during these days and throughout the winter you will want to become one to remain hibernating in your bed until the weather is better. Ok, it is not possible, so you will have no choice but to share this meme in your groups and social networks to soften the staff.

cold scarves

Surely you have a friend who has been wanting the cold for months. There is no phrase more heard when it is hot than "I hope the cold comes." Well, it's here. Now take advantage and send this meme to all those who have been nagging you for a long time wishing that the thermometers turned around. The big question is: have they really been comfortable? Will they be happy? They may not be as excited now as when we were in August.

cold coat

Going on the subway these days is quite a spectacle, especially since we meet people with the most curious outfits. It is difficult to find the garment that allows us not to get too cold on the street. If you haven't found yours yet, this meme can give you and your friends a slight idea of how you should dress. Are we exaggerating ?, a bit, but the meme will make you laugh in your WhatsApp group.

cold quilt

Starting today, you will beg someone to get you out of bed every morning to go to work or study. You may end up believing that a superhuman force provides you with enough energy to lift yourself out of your soft, warm comforter. Unfortunately the worst begins. The intense cold begins to make an appearance in your body to remind you that winter is coming soon. Only you have the power to defeat it. And not with Thor's hammer. You will have to pull thermal clothing, coats, sweaters and a lot, above all, a lot of patience. Think that time passes quickly and that very soon you will beg for the "I hope the cold comes" again.