Facebook plans to incorporate the dislike button

Facebook No 01

This is not the first time that we have talked about the need for Facebook , the most populated social network on the planet, to incorporate a Dislike button to adapt to the content that users usually publish through it. Users have requested it on many occasions, but so far, Facebook's response has been the same: “This button does not fit with the philosophy of this social network, so we are not planning to incorporate it. Not at the moment ” . Well, it seems that the team of Mark Zuckerberg , billionaire founder of Facebook , has changed their mind. As revealed by the CEO himselfof the company, the social network could soon offer users the possibility of clicking on a button called I Like , which without being focused on negative things, would be an option with more nuances so that users can express their reactions to the See certain sad posts from your friends.


The thing has its substance, it is not as simple as many might think. Mark Zuckerberg has said that he does not want Facebook to become an open forum to vote for content that is liked or disliked, such as Reddit or other online spaces for social interaction. In this case, the Dislike button would be aimed at those users who want to show their empathy with their friends by indicating, for example, that they don't like that they have been fired from their job or that they have lost a loved one. In fact, it is extremely rare to click on Like when someone gives a news of these characteristics through Facebook. The point is, technically, the issue is more complex than we might have guessed at first. And it seems that Facebook does not want to show two buttons: I liked to and No Me Gusta in the same publication, but will be smart enough to detect that the news that the user is sharing is sad or unpleasant .

The truth is that this seems quite difficult, unless the user has written in his publication words that denote that he is going through a bad time , such as "I'm sad", "I'm sorry" and a long endless of combinations of words key that could give clues about a news likely to dislike your circle of friends who love you.

As reported by Mark Zuckerberg , the trial period for this Dislike button is about to begin. It seems that very soon (the time has not been specifically specified), a small and selected number of users will begin to test this functionality. This is what Facebook usually does before launching a change on a global level. In this way, the team of this social network will make sure that the tool is really useful and immediately afterwards, the deployment for the entire user community can begin.

And to you, would it be okay for you to have the Dislike button on your Facebook ? You like?