How to disable Google translate in Chrome in web and app

How to disable Google translate in Chrome in web and app

Google Chrome, Google's browser, has a built-in simultaneous translation system known to all. It is the Google translator. It allows us to view complete pages in other languages , with a margin of error, but with which we can get a general idea of ​​what is being talked about.

However, we don't always want to have that translator turned on. There are times when we are not interested in the default window appearing, or we only want it to occur in some specific cases. In this post we are going to teach you to control the Google translator in Chrome, manage it and deactivate it when necessary . Let's see it for both the desktop version and the mobile version.

On the web

After starting Google Chrome, we go to the start menu, the button with the three dots. In that menu that will appear we mark Settings. Another menu called Settings will appear, which will probably be limited to a reduced version. To see it in full, we check Show advanced settings .

Doing so will bring up a much more extensive menu. What we have to do is scroll down until we find the Languages ​​section. There we will have an option called Language and text input settings . By checking it, we can confirm which languages ​​we understand. All of those languages ​​will not be considered foreign to Chrome.

google chrome web languages

The rest of the languages ​​will be capable of being translated, since Chrome considers that you have mastered them. That's when we have the box " Ask if you want to translate pages that are not written in a language you understand ". By checking this box, the translator will appear in all those languages ​​not previously selected. Unchecking the box, the translator will not appear in any case.

What happens if, for example, we do not want the translator to appear on English pages, but on other pages? We retrieve the Language Configuration option and select English. That same procedure can be used for the rest of the languages ​​you want. What if you never want it to come out, period? Uncheck the box , and continue with life without stress.

In the app

The mobile version of Chrome is similar, but not the same. Therefore, it requires its own section. The first step is the same, we go to the button with the three dots in the upper right corner. In the menu that appears, we select Settings. In Settings, we must check Website Settings. There we will see an extensive menu with options such as Cookies, Location, Camera, Microphone and more . Scroll down to the very end, and there you will find the Google Translate option.

google chrome app translator

When you press, a simple option will appear to activate or deactivate it. Deactivate it and you forget about uncomfortable messages that can distract you . For this case, you will not be able to select a 'white list' of languages ​​as in the web case. This means that if you deactivate the translator, it will not appear in any case.

With these ways, you have in your hand the possibility of not depending on the Google translator . Although in some cases it can be helpful, it is true that many times their translations leave much to be desired. Thus, in a case where we are really trying to understand the bulk of the text, Google Translate can be more of a hindrance than a help.

Ultimately, if we change our minds, we can always redial the translator . Or mark it for a specific case and then uncheck it again. You have already seen where the option is, that is, you have located it. It is a matter of a simple touch.