Correos does not work: the web and the application are down


Yesterday it was ING Direct and today it is Correos. The postal service website is down at the moment , making it impossible to access it and the different sections that the page offers. Sometimes the service loads certain sections of the platform, but in none of the cases the website responds as it should. At the moment Correos has not echoed the fall, so the origin of the problem is unknown. does not work: the web does not load or is very slow

From early in the morning until now, the Correos website ( is showing a series of problems that directly affect the loading of the site. Although it is true that in some cases it loads part of the web content, most of the time it is unable to connect to the servers , showing an error message very similar to the well-known 404.

emails does not work does not respond

This series of errors are transferred to the app at the same time , preventing access and browsing ability from the mobile version of Correos (Android and iOS). At the moment, both the services of the platform itself (parcels, postage, stamp collecting, fees…) and the Correos consignment locator show operational problems . This is confirmed by several users on Twitter and Facebook. We have also been able to check it from

@CorreosAtiende Hello, as the Correos website does not work directly, could you help me locate a shipment? I have written you an MD.

- Amechi (@misterspakuru) December 10, 2019

rebre a package of @CorreosAtiende @Correos is a nonsense. triguen thousand anys and the web does not work gairebé mai .. disasters the parcel service

- maite || * || (@winniegaru) December 10, 2019

The social networks of the public service have not commented on the matter either, so the reasons for the fall are not known. However, it is expected that the service will be replenished in a phased manner in the next few hours throughout the morning.


At this very moment the website seems to have recovered part of the content of the platform . In any case, the loading speed is very slow, and access to the mobile version of the web from an Android or iOS device is still erratic. Also from the application for the two mobile operating systems.

Hello Maite, I'm sorry to feel això, if you use plau, explain by DM the motiu de la teva queixa and if you have codi d'enviament i ho veiem. Greetings!

- CorreosAtiende (@CorreosAtiende) December 10, 2019

The good news is that Correos is already aware of the problem after answering the queries of several clients from the Twitter profile of @CorreosAtiende. Therefore, it is expected that the service will be restored as soon as possible. We will update the article with all the information when it is.