The best websites and apps to learn languages ​​while having fun

The best websites and apps to learn languages ​​while having fun

Learning languages ​​is as necessary as it is difficult. There are many of us who have a hard time learning a new language. And, sometimes, frustration or simple boredom can make us give up. However, today we have many options on the Internet to learn that language that we need for work or that we simply want to know.

So today we bring you a selection of web pages and applications that will help us learn languages ​​in a fun way . Because it is not the same to give boring and eternal classes, than to learn at our own pace and in a more natural way.


best websites and apps to learn languages ​​duolingo

Duolingo is one of the web pages best known by users. She was among the first to go for a fun way to learn languages with less effort.

This platform proposes that learning the desired language is a game . Almost literal. We will have to overcome lessons, with which we will gain or lose lives. The idea is that we "bite", we get hooked as we would with a video game.

With Duolingo we can learn English, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Portuguese, Catalan, Guarani, Esperanto and Russian. In addition, we can download the mobile applications and practice the language anywhere.


best websites and apps to learn languages ​​Lyricstraining

Lyricstraining proposes us to learn languages ​​with music . While we watch music videos, we will have to fill in the gaps in the songs to complete the sentences. On the other hand, we also have the karaoke option, which will allow us to sing the song.

The service offers a large number of music genres, as well as languages . As is logical, the language that has the most content is English, but it is not the only one. We will have up to 10 languages ​​available.

It is a service that will allow us to better assimilate the language . In addition, we can learn different accents of it. And honestly, although complicated, it is quite entertaining.

Word of the day

best websites and apps to learn languages ​​word of the day

Word of the day is an extremely simple application, as well as useful. All it does is teach us a new word every day . In addition to the word itself, we can see the meaning and hear its pronunciation.

What the application intends is that, with very little effort, we are able to learn new words every day. This will not allow you to assimilate the language in a more natural way .

The application is available for both Android and iOS. Of course, it only serves to learn English .


best websites and apps to learn busuu languages

Busuu is a large community of native speakers in which we can learn a wide variety of languages. As you can see in the image, we have from English to Arabic.

The platform offers us to learn the language of our choice using very little time a day. That is to say, the idea is not to overwhelm ourselves, to learn and assimilate little by little .

We can use it in two ways. The free version offers only the cards, while if we opt for the premium version we will even have the possibility of speaking with natives who will help us practice . Its price starts at 5.40 euros per month. In addition, we also have applications for Android and iOS available.


best websites and apps to learn babbel languages

Babbel is another of the most popular online language learning services on the web. It uses a methodology similar to that of Duolingo. That is, short lessons with entertaining "games" so that learning does not become tiresome .

Vocabulary and grammar are taught from different units that focus on very practical aspects. The idea is that users can communicate in real life situations , such as ordering food in a restaurant or sightseeing.

Perhaps the biggest handicap of Babbel is that it is a paid service. Its cost is from 5 euros per month if we pay for a year in full.

And so far our small selection of web pages to learn languages . They say that the best way to learn a language is to live in the corresponding country. But, if it is not possible, the Internet can help you.