Facebook and language, the word most used on Facebook by young people is JAJAJA

Facebook and language, the word most used on Facebook by young people is JAJAJA 3

It's not Lady Gaga , it's not football , it's not sex . The word most used by Spanish-speaking youth on Facebook is JAJAJA . Those who have come to such a curious discovery have been the consultants of the Argentine PROIA Integrated Communications , who have entertained themselves in analyzing more than 100,000 terms .

The target audience has been young people between 15 and 21 years old connected to Facebook during this year 2011 . For example, the second most used word is not really such. It is actually the XD emoticon , which denotes a cheerful character, a frank and open laugh.

Facebook and language, the word most used on Facebook by young people is JAJAJA 4

There are really interesting conclusions in this study. The younger the Facebook user, the more likely they are to replace words with emoticons , as a short and simple way to express moods . The Spanish-speaking youth language on social media is simple, direct, with very few embellishments, largely influenced by the English language .

Young people use few words but use them with great precision , although sometimes they prefer to dispense with consecrated words in favor of onomatopoeia such as hahaha, mmm, uhhh or ayyy . They are used primarily to "take the iron out" , complement verbal jokes, or show that certain statements are not serious.

Via: Sitemarca