123people.es, a people search engine

123people.es, a search engine for 4 people

Have you tried typing your name in Google and seeing the results? If you love to practice narcissism or simply know what is said about you on the Internet , the search engine 123people.es could be especially useful . It is a new search engine recently arrived in Spain that allows you to search by name and surname for anyone , whose information in the form of links, photos, addresses, telephone numbers and profiles on social networks , appears compiled on a single page .

It is clear that the search engine can be useful to find information about famous people : actors, writers, athletes, politicians ... but also to check our level of celebrity or presence on the web . But the curious thing about this system is that it shares the philosophy of Wikipedia to a certain extent , since users can add additional information to their personal files to make them more complete.

123people.es, a search engine for 4 people

Searches can be carried out in several languages ​​in addition to Spanish: German, Catalan, French, English and Italian. In this way, any citizen of the world will be able to consult biographical information, buy articles on Amazon, watch videos on YouTube or the possible email addresses that will help us to connect with the character.

The truth is that the tool seems like a pretty fun resource , and even useful to investigate the lives of others . But it is precisely at this point that the privacy of the individual begins to be jeopardized . For if we had enough with the happy dangers of Facebook , from now we t Ocara deal with 123people and be alert to any surprise órdago.

123people.es, a search engine for 4 people

Via: Ipmark