▷ How to see the history of songs in Spotify playback


Viewing the Spotify playback history is something that we cannot do from an application designed for Android and iOS. And the fact is that although the mobile application has a recently listened to section that allows us to see part of the music played in recent days, the truth is that this function is limited to showing us groups and playlists . To see a list of the history of Spotify songs we will have to refer to the application for Windows, Mac or Linux.

Months ago we taught you how to convert a Spotify playlist into MP3 files. This time we will show you how to see the latest songs played from Spotify on both desktop and mobile systems.

So you can view Spotify song history on Windows, Mac and Linux

The process to view Spotify history in the desktop app is really straightforward. With the application open, we will go to the bottom playback bar and click on the sandwich icon that is displayed next to the song playback controller and that we can see in the image below.

view history spotify songs 1

Then, the application will show us a screen with the songs in the queue and the songs that have been played recently. To view the playback history, just click on the History option .

view history spotify songs 2

Spotify will automatically show us a list with the last 50 songs played . Unfortunately the amount is limited to 50 by Spotify's own API, although it may be more than enough for most.

How to view Spotify playing history on Android and iOS

On Android and iOS this process is nothing short of impossible. If we do not have a computer at hand and we want to see the history of Spotify in either of the two operating systems we will have to refer to the Spotify API . To access this we will have to resort to the following link:

  • //developer.spotify.com/console/get-recently-played/

Next we will click on the Get token button and the wizard will automatically open a request window. The option that we will have to mark in this case is the following:

  • user-read-recently-played

Now we just have to click on the Request token button and enter our Spotify or Facebook username .

history spotify playback android

When the request is processed, we will obtain an API code with a multitude of characters with which we can operate through our account. It is recommended to save this code in a text document to process requests later.

With everything ready, the web will take us to the previous starting point. To make the song history request to the Spotify API, we will only have to click on the Try it button, but not before indicating a number of songs less than or equal to 50 in the Limit section . Otherwise, the API will return an error.

history spotify playback ios iphone

If everything went well, the output screen should return a text string similar to the following:

"External_ids": {

"Isrc": "ES5701900462"


"External_urls": {

“Spotify”: “//open.spotify.com/track/4Y0iI4E4VurYtsQjAkliLw”


"Href": "//api.spotify.com/v1/tracks/4Y0iI4E4VurYtsQjAkliLw",

"Id": "4Y0iI4E4VurYtsQjAkliLw",

"Is_local": false,

"Name": "Because you appeared",

"Popularity": 54,

"Preview_url": "//p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/66f739bd9e23e612ddb7dd1d99321a7d6ca7eaf3?cid=774b29d4f13844c495f206cafdad9c86",

"Track_number": 10,

"Type": "track",

“Uri”: “spotify: track: 4Y0iI4E4VurYtsQjAkliLw”


To find the songs we will only have to look at the name string  , which is often accompanied by the is_local string . The ideal is to search in the browser that we have installed on the mobile for the string "is_local" through the option Search within page to find the title of the last 50 songs.