How to obtain the IBAN code in a few steps

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After unifying the currency and doing the same with some laws, Europe has proposed to apply what it calls SEPA regulations (Single Euro Payments or Single Zone of Payments in Euros). It is a system that will unify payment between bank accounts across Europe . In this way, users and companies will be able to make transfers to other accounts in the euro zone in a more agile and fast way, and even with less commissions. You should know, however, that this change in the regulations does not only affect those who have to make international transfers . With the application of the new  SEPA standard, Domestic transactions also have to be a new code that will replace traditional bank accounts of 20 digits .

This is the so-called  IBAN code (also called Swift code) and another complement, called BIC code , that the account holder must provide to all those providers and clients who need to enter or make a payment in that same bank account. And the same in reverse. Companies that need to issue receipts to their clients will have to migrate all current account numbers to the aforementioned IBAN codes . This number can be obtained in several ways. The first thing you can do is go to your nearest branch to get this code. You can also access the website of your bank and make the query through theonline office . Another interesting option, both to check your codes and those of other clients, is to access the official online converter . Next, we will tell you how to get the IBAN and BIC codes in just a few steps:

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1) First, go to the official SEPA website . It is an official European portal that will allow you to securely obtain the IBAN and BIC codes of any bank account. Also yours.

2) En esta página encontrarás toda la información necesaria para aplicar esta nueva normativa en el seno de cualquier empresa. En la parte derecha de la página, además, verás una herramienta de conversión online que te permitirá obtener un código IBAN desde un Código de Cuenta de Cliente (CCC) de 20 dí­gitos tradicional.

3) Enter the digits corresponding to the Entity , the Office , the Control Digit (DC) and the Account itself. Do not leave spaces between each of these digits, because the tool could report errors. When you have finished, click on the Calculate IBAN code button that you will find at the bottom marked in blue. Immediately afterwards this code will appear.

4) The last thing you need is the so-called BIC code . This is the one that corresponds to the bank in which the account is deposited. To see which one corresponds to you, click on the Calculate BIC code button . Write down this code-complement, because you will need it together with the IBAN . When you're done, click on Clear Data . Below you can check all the IBAN codes you want and even print each result to keep it on paper.