Free ATMs and commissions to withdraw money from ING

Free ATMs and commissions to withdraw money from ING 1

If you are from ING bank, you may be wondering, today, in which ATMs you can get free money , without commissions. After the ING client stayed, for example, with some of the Banco Popular ATMs, after its integration with Banco Santander, the variety of ATMs has been drastically reduced. Which ones does the client have to get money without affecting their economy? Let's see.

List of ATMs where it is free to withdraw money in ING

These are the ATMs where we can still withdraw money for free and without any commission if you are an ING client

  • ING's own ATMs
  • Popular Bank. Although some of its ATMs belong to Banco Santander, many others continue to facilitate the withdrawal of cash in cash without commissions. These ATMs are those managed by Euro Automatic Cash, some ATMs located in offices and all ATMs posted, that is, those that are not inside any branch.
  • Pastor Bank
  • March bench
  • Targobank
  • Euronet
  • Cashzone
  • Additionally, in special cases, we can withdraw money for free at Bankia ATMs , provided that the amount withdrawn is greater than 50 euros or more.

In the other ATMs it will only be free if you withdraw an amount greater than 200 euros .

cashier ing

How to save ING's free ATMs in Google Maps

Very well, we already know which are the ATMs where it is free to withdraw money if you have an ING account. Now why don't we add a few to our favorites list for when we need cash so we don't waste time looking for it? Thanks to Google Maps we can add ATMs to our list of favorite places . Let's see how it's done.

First, we open the Google Maps application. If you don't have it installed (something weird, since Android phones usually have Google applications pre-installed) go to this link on the Play Store and download it. Once downloaded, we will search for 'XXX ATMs' where 'XXX' will be the desired bank, either ING, or Banca March, Targobank, etc.

google maps ATMs

Now, take a look (screenshot above) at the list that has appeared. It will be indicating all the ATMs that you have relatively close and adjusted to the search terms. Click on the one you want to save and it will appear in a new screen with several options: 'How to get there', 'Call', 'Save' and 'Share site'. The one we must choose is 'Save'. A new screen will open from which we will create a new list that will be dedicated exclusively to the ATMs of your choice. To do this, we will click where it says '+ New list'.

google maps ATMs 02

In the next screen we are going to configure our new list in detail. First, we are going to give it a name, which can be 'ATMs'. In description, if you want, you can further detail the reason for the list, for example, adding that they are Banco Popular ATMs. Then, we are going to tell you what type of list we want , that is, if we want it to be a list accessible to everyone (public), if we want to share it with someone through a link for others to see and edit or else be private so that only you can see it.

When you want to add new ATMs to the list, once created, you will have it very easy. You will only have to continue entering other ATMs and clicking on the 'Save' label . Finally, we choose the list of ATMs that we have created before, and that's it. To access the list when you want to find an ATM we must, on the main screen, click on the hamburger menu and click on 'Your places'. You will find the list in the 'Saved' tab.