Los memes más graciosos del Día de los Santos Inocentes

dia de los inocentes portada

Cuidado. Se acerca, como cada año, el día más temido por todos los que somos un poco más ingenuos de la cuenta. Nos la dan con queso. Eso es así. Es llegar el 28 de diciembre y uno va ya con temor a abrir alguna página web, de algún medio, y leer algo que da por mentira cuando, en realidad, es verdad. Hoy es 27 de diciembre y quedan poco más de doce horas para que se abra la veda del embuste, de la broma y la mentira, y los redactores de nuestro país agudicen su ingenio e intenten construir la noticia más loca y, a la vez, verosimil, que se les ocurra. Lástima que la realidad, siempre, supere a la ficción. En cualquier caso.

In any case, whether you are one of those who play jokes or those who suffer them, you will surely be interested in this handful of April Fool's Day memes to share on WhatsApp or on social networks. You just have to open this special on your mobile phone, press and hold the meme you want to share and save it. Then, in a file explorer, you must locate them and then send them where you prefer. It is very simple!

The funniest April Fool's Day memes to share on WhatsApp

We are all innocent

Even the toughest of mortals have ever fallen for an April Fool's Day joke. And nothing happens, it is normal. If you receive this meme it is because you have fallen into the trap. Do you want to return it? Keep reading.

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Revenge is a dish best served cold

If they play a joke on you and you want to return it, check out this dialogue. It is accurate, fast and the hunter, in the end, has been hunted. You have to be very agile to return a joke in this way. Will you be able to get it?

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The after meme

Have you played a joke and it all came out to order? Then try to send this other one later. Perhaps you soften the blow, attaching a loving message to the meme. But remember, they can get back at you. And you should take it well. What remedy you have!

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The baddie meme

If you are back from everything and you wait for the jokes with the rifle raised ... you are the perfect target of this meme. We advise you to relax and watch the jokes come in a festive and joyous spirit. Nor is it a plan to go bitter through life!

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Not everything will be jokes

Among all the avalanche of jokes that are coming, be careful, because there is also room for news that is true. And there are some that seem like jokes, like those that appear in specialized humor media. Be careful, to see if this unexpected news is true and you are not believing it!

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Skeptics of the world unite

No, they don't even give you cheese, you've put this meme as a WhatsApp profile photo so that the joker knows what to expect, but we repeat that not all of December 28 is a joke ... watch your skepticism.

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The scrambling meme

One of those memes that are sent to gloat in the triumph of the successful joke. If you feel like the victim has gone down with the whole team, save this meme because you'll be grateful to have it. Of course, remember that you can be the next victim ... and you must assume it as a champion.

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A joke-chain

There really are people who believe these things. If you want to send this joke, do it, but then say that it is a lie, that I already see more than one using the off button on their mobile.

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The sneak meme

There are those who cannot shut up even under the water and this is the first meme sent in the morning on December 28. But man, don't be a spoilsport, save this meme for yourselves and let the rest 'enjoy' the pranks!

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Another scrambling meme

And if the victim of the prank is lucky enough to be a fan of The Simpsons, then you will nail it. Here it is Homer himself who laughs at you. Is this better or worse? Will the joke sit well with you when you see Homer? Who knows.

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We have all been this koala

Yes. Acknowledge it. It is the face that remains when we share a news story that we read on December 28 and it turns out it was a joke. Look that every year we repeat it to ourselves: 'this time I will not fall, this time I will not fall' and nothing, here we are, again, with the face of the koala, cursing April Fools' Day.

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The one who follows her and does not get her

We all know someone like that. It is like the story of Peter and the wolf, that after telling a lie so much no one believes him, not even if he tells the truth. It is his fate. April Fools' Day used to be a happy, prank-celebratory day for him, but he's already run out of cartridges. Poor thing, nobody believes him anymore!

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The origin of April Fools' Day

Don't you know what this meme refers to? Well, we advise you to search the Internet for 'Origin of April Fools' Day'. You'll see, now ...

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The Grinch of the Holy Innocents

We all know one ... and if we do not know him, it is because, directly, it is us. We are bothered by everything related to Christmas and the April Fool's Day joke, we can't help it. But we can avoid playing a joke on him. If we know that he is going to take it badly, better not to insist. Let's have the party in peace.

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The one who is lonelier than one

They don't even play tricks on him. He has no one, not even someone to laugh at him! Obviously, we are joking. Let's not use this meme to hurt anyone, it's ugly. And less to anyone who feels alone. Call him, meet him, go for a walk and have a drink. And yes, play a joke on him, why not?

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A meme-joke to celebrate April Fools' Day

No todo van a ser mentiras y bromas en este día sino, también, chistes sobre el tema. Este es uno bastante divertido y que juega con otros temas como el del paso del tiempo. Las bromas también dependen de la edad que tengamos cundo las gastamos.

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Otro meme-chiste para grupos de WhatsApp

Si en tu grupo de WhatsApp está el típico amante del jamón que no sabe hablar de otra cosa aprovecha y mándale este meme el Día de los Inocentes. No pensamos que se lo vaya a creer pero os podéis echar unas risas.

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Reaparece el Grinch

¿Aún no se han enterado en tu grupo de WhatsApp lo que piensas del Día de los Inocentes?

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