WORdER, this is how the page works to search for synonyms when writing or playing Words

Worder, this is how the page works to search for synonyms when writing or playing Words

If you have ever played Scrabble or are, in short, a fan of word games, surely you cannot play any other way than with your mobile next to it, to check if that word really exists or to find a synonym that can help you earn the points you need to sell to your opponent.

In that case, the RAE dictionary may have become your best ally, but you should know that there is another tool, called WORdER , with which you will become a true ace of word games. The search engine can be used to find all kinds of words. Either for a crossword puzzle, for the hangman game or for Scrabble and any other similar and digital proposal such as Words With Friends or Words With Friends.

In fact, its creators also recommend WORdER to find words that rhyme with others and thus be able to write songs or poetry. It is a fantastic tool to solve small doubts, especially when you find yourself stuck and cannot advance, or to leave your rivals with their mouths open. How could such a word have occurred to him? 


Find words with WORdER by available letters

To start finding words, we recommend that you have WORdER at hand , which is the tool that we proposed. It is not in application format, so if you want to use it, you will have to have the web page accessible. Thus, we recommend the following:

1. Access WORdER to start searching for words .

2. If you play Scrabble or any other game with which you need to create words by combining the letters you have, it will be necessary to fill in the Letters available box . Here, for example, you can search for words that can be made from the letters VOAAS. You can write the letters here in the order you want.

3. In case you have a wildcard , you can do the following: VOAAS *. WORdER will take care of providing you with all the available options, taking into account that you have a wild card to place anywhere.

4. When you are done, click the Search button . What you will get will be a list of possible words resulting from the combination of the indicated letters. You will see that words of seven to two letters are offered to you, depending on those that may arise. With the result, you will only have to enter the word in the corresponding game panel. And to succeed!woorder

Find words with WORdER according to a pattern

Another way to search and find words in WORdER can be according to certain patterns . To achieve this, you have a search engine at the bottom to search in this way. You must follow this search formula (with the dashes and the dots) and enter the letters that suit you. For example:

  • CA- (Words that start with CA)
  • -BAR (Words that end with BAR)
  • … (Words that have three letters)
  • -PP- (Words containing twice the letter P)
  • ..PA (Words that start with two letters, have four in total and end with PA)
  • PA-A (Words that start with PA, end with A and have a letter in the middle)
  • HL- (Words that start with H, have any letter, an L and then continue)
  • -MI.RAS (Words that include MI, have any letter and end in RAS)
  • -U-MIND (Words that end in MIND and have the letter U)

When you have entered the correct search terms, you just have to click Search and all the words that you can use in your game will appear . Finally, there are some specific advanced options for some games, such as the possibility of treating CH, RR and LL as pairs of separate tiles, useful for Appearances; and treat CH, RR and LL as unique and independent tiles, useful for Scrabble.