LinkedIn Premium, is it worth paying for this service for job contacts?

LinkedIn Premium, is it worth paying for this service for job contacts?

LinkedIn is the professional social network par excellence. It currently has more than 260 million active users per month and more than 500 million registered users. LinkedIn is accessible for free to everyone, although it has a paid version that offers some advantages. For example, you can know who has visited your profile, receive and send messages to all users, as well as obtain detailed information about jobs, companies and managers.

The price of LinkedIn Premium starts at 26 euros per month, although there are several contracting modalities. However, you can try any of them for free for a month. If you have questions about whether to pay or not, keep reading. We reveal to you if it is worth being part of its premium community.

Account types

As we say, LinkedIn Premium offers four different options according to the demands of each user. It is true that they have more advantages than the free modality, but you will also have to pay monthly to enjoy them at a price that is not what is said to be economical, especially in the sales and contracting modalities.

Premium Career

This modality allows:

  • Send direct messages to recruitment technicians. You will be able to communicate directly with any recruitment technician or job advertiser thanks to the 3 credits of InMail.
  • Enjoy LinkedIn Learning (we explain what it consists of a little below)
  • Capture the interest of recruitment technicians as a prominent candidate
  • See who has viewed your profile in the last 90 days and how they found you
  • See a comparison with other candidates.

Its price is 26 euros per month, with the possibility of free testing for a month.


Premium Business

  • Possibility to communicate with anyone on LinkedIn, even if you are not connected thanks to the 15 InMail messages
  • Obtain detailed information on the growth of a company and its functional trends
  • Enjoy LinkedIn Learning
  • Know who has seen your profile in the last 90 days and how they found you
  • View profiles through unlimited search results, as well as profile suggestions, up to 3rd grade

Its price is 42 euros per month, although you also have the possibility to try it for free for a month.

Premium Sales

  • Possibility to communicate with anyone on LinkedIn, even if you are not connected thanks to the 20 InMail messages
  • Obtain information about your accounts and potential clients such as job changes, company growth, etc.
  • Go straight to the decision makers and create lists of potential contacts with advanced search filters
  • See what potential customers have been interested in your profile in the last 90 days
  • View profiles through unlimited search results, as well as profile suggestions, up to 3rd grade
  • Quickly discover the right people and save their names to stay on top of them

Its price is 58 euros per month , with the possibility of free testing for one month.


Premium Hiring

  • Possibility to communicate with anyone on LinkedIn, even if you are not connected thanks to the 30 InMail messages
  • Go straight to the best candidates with advanced search filters designed for recruiting
  • Use dynamic suggestions when searching to discover more candidates
  • Manage your candidate list from one place
  • Know who has seen your profile in the last 90 days and how they found you
  • View profiles through unlimited search results, as well as profile suggestions, up to 3rd grade
  • Track candidates and openings with projects
  • Enjoy LinkedIn with recruiting features

Its price is 90 euros per month. It can also be tried free for a month.

Differences between LinkedIn Premium and LinkedIn free

We got to the epicenter of the matter. What are the main differences between having a paid or free account? Only knowing this can you dispel your doubts about whether you are more interested in paying monthly or not.

Send Inmails

This is one of the main advantages of having a premium account over not having one. Inmails are private messages that will allow you to contact any LinkedIn user, whether or not they are in your contact list. This option can really be valuable in the case of wanting to recruit candidates or to contact directly with managers and personnel managers. In any case, you have to bear in mind that if it is already difficult for someone from your list of direct contacts to respond, imagine someone who is outside your network.

LinkedIn profile

Know who has seen your profile in the last three months

Many are tempted by the idea of ​​going premium to see who has seen their profile. With LinkedIn Premium it is currently only possible to know the last five users who have visited our account. Of the rest we can only know the number, but not their identity. Of course, this feature can be important to keep track of whether a company or manager has walked through our profile, which may mean that we are closer to getting a potential client or a good job opportunity.

However, it must be taken into account that if they are finally interested in our profile, they will always have the possibility of contacting us through the mailbox or by email.

Do advanced searches

If your thing is to do advanced searches on LinkedIn, then don't think too much about it, you need to be Premium. The free account allows you to apply a series of filters, but, of course, sometimes not enough. With the payment method you can search by company size, number of employees, or by specific function (marketing, sales ...). And not only this, but also by years of experience, level of experience, position or date of incorporation, etc.

Think that with the free version you get 100 results (10 pages), but with any of the premium modalities this result is unlimited.

Access to Linkedin Learning

A few years ago Linkedin acquired the online training portal Linda to turn it into its own training portal: LinkedIn Learning. The negative is that it is only free for Premium accounts, so you will have to pay for one of them to enjoy this function. LinkedIn Learning offers more than 9,000 courses in different sectors: business, technology, creativity, writing, programming, accounting, writing, etc. Its objective is to improve employability. And it is that not only employees can see the courses that best suit their professional profile, employers can also recommend to their workers those necessary to advance in their position.

LinkedIn Learning

Detailed information

Another possibility offered by payment accounts that do not have the free mode, is to get detailed information on some issues. For example, it is possible to get all kinds of concrete data from other candidates. This can be very useful to know the characteristics of the professionals with whom you compete in your sector. It also informs you about those jobs where you are among the top applicants. Plus, it gives you additional information on hiring trends for those companies. On the other hand, in the higher payment modalities you will be able to know the new hires that have taken place in prominent leadership positions.

Yes now. Is LinkedIn Premium worth it?

If you really use LinkedIn is very limited. You only want it as a showcase for your resume, contact some colleagues or specific professionals, see profiles of other users and know the latest news in your sector, you really do not deserve to pay for any of the Premium modalities. Things change if for your job you need to get a wide portfolio of clients, you want to have maximum visibility on the social network and get in touch with high-level executives and companies. In addition, you are also very interested in knowing who sees your profile and being up to date with the different courses that are being added.


Let's see the pros and cons of having a Premium account


  • Possibility of reaching more profiles
  • Help Human Resources company to find candidates
  • Make searches easy
  • Recommended for looking for work
  • Commercial support


  • High price
  • It is not easy to get the most out of it
  • If you don't pay you lose everything
  • Inmails are not answered

If you decide to try a free month, keep in mind that your account will automatically renew at the end of that period. However, you can cancel it at any time before it is renewed through the Settings section. On the other hand, you can switch to a lower account or cancel it at any time from that same section. In the case of canceling it, you will lose access to Premium features at the end of the billing cycle. Also, InMail credits expire after three months. If you cancel your Premium account, your unused credits will be valid only until the end of your current billing cycle.