Sudoku, más de 350 imágenes para jugar e imprimir

Sudoku, more than 350 images to play and print

Si eres un fan de los pasatiempos y un auténtico cerebrito en esto de las matemáticas, estamos seguros de que no puedes resistirte al sudoku. Su nombre ha sido exportado directamente del japonés sÅ«doku y lo cierto es que no se trata de un juego demasiado antiguo.

Nació en 1970, aunque no se hizo verdaderamente popular, en Japón, en 1986. Más adelante, allá por 2005, en su afán por proponer pasatiempos un poco más originales, los periódicos del mundo los introdujeron más allá de su paí­s de origen. Y así­ fue como nos enganchamos a ellos.

The goal of sudoku is to fill in a 9 x 9 grid that is divided into 3 x 3 sub-grids with numbers 1 through 9. Some numbers are already entered in the cells. They should not be repeated within the same row, column, and sub-grid.

Today we want to propose you a challenge for August. We have put together over 350 Sudoku pictures to download and print . And in case you have not done with the mechanics yet, we also leave you an instruction. There is no excuse to spend the dead times in August sharpening your wits. Enjoy them!

easy sudoku

Easy Sudoku

If you're still a sudoku newbie, maybe it would be interesting if you started with the easiest ones . There are computer programs that can determine if a Sudoku puzzle has one level of difficulty or another. They are in charge of solving the problem and this helps the editors to adapt the different sudoku puzzles.

This is how hobby books are composed with Sudoku or an indication is made, if they are published in newspapers, so that the person who is going to solve it takes into account what is the level of difficulty that he faces.

In fact, if you decide to play online (you have many proposals at your fingertips) you should also be alert to this indication to have a more pleasant experience. If you face a high level of difficulty from the beginning , chances are that you will never want to do a Sudoku game again in your life.

Below we provide you with a total of thirty easy sudoku pictures that you can download and print as you like. Look at them. They will be very good for you to take practice and enter the addictive world of Sudoku: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 , 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30.

Sudoku example

Super, super easy Sudoku images

What have you found too difficult yet? Well, take it easy. Because you can still opt for a lower difficulty level. They will not be sudoku to use, but they will help you to practice the dynamics of the game on a small scale . As soon as you have trained a little, you will be able to face the easy sudoku level and print the 30 images that we proposed above.

For now, you can start with these twenty: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20. You We recommend choosing first those with the smallest grid and offering the most clues. You will see that first you have to get the rhythm of the game. The more trained you are, the easier it will be to solve them.

Sudoku for kids

Sudoku for kids

Children can also enjoy sudoku puzzles . In the height of summer and with vacation notebooks half done, nothing like a good Sudoku game to pass the time while training your mental skills.

It seems that the exercises are useful to stimulate memory and concentration , but also to train basic mathematics. As with adults, we can start with simpler sudoku images first. Then we can go into more complex ones.

Once they have internalized the strategy, they will gradually get used to the new challenges and will have the ability to face new proposals. For now, we will leave you a good number of interesting options for children to enjoy mathematics more and better.

Here are a few with 6x6 grids . These are less complicated, because in addition to there are fewer spaces to fill, they are solved faster. They are quite useful to get hooked on the dynamics. In fact, if you have never done sudoku puzzles and you are an adult, you can also try these.

You will see that they are solved much faster and that they are relatively easy . Take a look at these sudoku pictures: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 , 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30. Many of these proposals are cards with several sudoku puzzles. In this way you can print them and on a single page and you will have more exercises to solve.

You see that the sudoku that the first examples have a rather standard design. They are, like those of adults, in black and white, except for some slightly more colorful exceptions . But on the networks we have also found fun sudokus for children, in which in addition to mixing many colors, there are also drawings, games with shapes or drawings and even cut-out shapes.

We present you twenty very fun children's sudoku proposals: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30. There are them with pictures of animals, of food, with geometric shapes and colors . Some also include pictures, which the children can paint as soon as they finish the Sudoku puzzle. So they are entertained for another good time.

We have also found proposals that we did not want to ignore. These are special cards with other exercises, in addition to sudokus, and large pictures to paint. If you are looking for activities to print that, in addition to abounding in mathematics, review other aspects (motor skills, shapes, colors, creativity ...) you can download any of the following: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.

Sudoku of medium difficulty

Images of Sudoku of medium difficulty

Are you already sufficiently trained? If you have managed to solve all the Sudoku puzzles that we have previously proposed (yes, we also recommend those for children), perhaps it is about time that you dare to print sudoku with a slightly higher difficulty. 

The Sudoku to print with medium difficulty are suitable for anyone who has already passed a first test with the simplest ones. These feature normal, 9x9 grids, so you'll be on your way to becoming a true sudoku expert. 

All you have to do is sharpen your wits and get down to business so you don't miss a thing. Try these thirty, to see how you can solve the problem: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30.

Very difficult Sudoku

Having passed the stage of easy and medium difficulty sudoku puzzles, the time has come to get down to work with the most complicated sudoku puzzles. You will see that these offer a much higher level of difficulty, so if you already have the simplest at hand, you will want to propose new goals with these others.

What we have tried to collect in this section are thirty images of difficult sudoku total you can download and print to take you anywhere and resolve them . If you dare with these, take a look at the ones we offer below: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 , 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30.

We have mixed difficult, very difficult and extreme level sudoku puzzles. In this way, you can test your skills and see if you are ready or not to advance .

killer sudoku

Killer Sudoku

But beware, what you have seen here is not what we can consider the most difficult sudoku puzzles. Nothing is further from reality. There are different variants of Sudoku that you can also download from this article. But let's start with one of the most common, which is Killer Sudoku. 

Some say that it is one of the more complicated variants. The board is completely empty and the cells do not have numbers. In return, what we can find are certain boxes grouped by a dotted line in which a sum of small numbers is offered.

What we will have to do in this case is to follow the rules of classic sudoku and not repeat the numbers within the same row, column or block. The boxes will always be 9 × 9, just like the sudoku you already know. Will you be able to solve them?

For now, here are a total of twenty Killer Sudoku images to download, print and solve at your leisure: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20.

Sudoku 16 x 16

Sudoku 16 x 16 images

Let's now go for another type of sudoku that offers us a good level of difficulty. It may be a bit easier than Killer Sudoku, so if you weren't planning on going older, this may be a good proposal. We have found 16 x 16 sudoku puzzles (the normal ones are 9 x 9) of different difficulties, so if you want to try them you can also start with the easiest level.

In the end, we have decided to propose five different sudoku puzzles for each of the difficulty levels .

  • Easy 16 x 16 Sudoku puzzle: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
  • 16 x 16 medium sudoku puzzle: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Difficult 16 x 16 Sudoku: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

double sudoku

Double Sudoku

What is not enough with a single Sudoku? Well, calm down, because you also have the option of playing double Sudokus. In this case, you will find countless interesting options , with which you can unleash your math skills.

About its rules, you have to be very aware. Because Double Sudoku works differently from what we understand by normal sudoku. In what sense? Well, because it mixes different concepts. In this case, the Double Sudoku forms four diagonals, which double the two of the Sudokus X. The distribution of the grids, which share the 3 x 3 section, also changes. In this case it is common between both.

The game is identical to the one we enjoy in the Sudoku X . You have to fill in the boxes with the numbers from 1 to 9, bearing in mind that none can be repeated. The colored diagonals also have to be filled and done the same way.

If you want to practice double Sudoku , here are a total of ten games to download and print: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.

Sudoku Samurai

Screenshots of Sudoku Samurai

Have you ever heard of Sudoku Samurai? If the answer is no, we are going to tell you exactly what it is. It is also known by the name of "Gattai-5", although we will talk about this game as a "Samurai" variant.

Five standard Sudoku grids are included on the board , but the four end Sudoku puzzles share a 3 × 3 section. And this is right in the center of the board. In order to solve the game, this space will have to be kept in mind, because the rest will depend on the numbers included here.

The experts are very clear that to solve the Sudoku Samurai you have to study the intersections very well. Only in this way will we be able to bring up a solution. We have chosen for you a total of 10 Sudoku Samurai images that you can download and print below: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.

sudoku x

Sudoku X

And now let's go for another type of Sudoku. It is becoming clear to you that with this sudoku thing you won't have time to catch flies, right? Sudoku X is another modality that may also be attractive to you. It has a 9 × 9 board , divided at the same time by regions of 3 × 3 squares. To all this we must add a couple of colored diagonals.

You will have to complete the different boxes, always keeping in mind that the colored diagonals have to be completed . And use the same method, of course. Do you see yourself capable of solving them? If the answer is yes, here are a total of ten Sudoku X images to solve: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.



As you can see, there are an infinite number of sudoku variants. In recent times, a variant known by the name of Kakuro, which actually comes from the Cross Sums , has also become popular . It is, therefore, a combination that in Japanese mixes sums and the English term "cross", which would be crossed.

Actually, the Dell Publishing Company was the first to bring up these curious hobbies. They were then imported to Japan by Maki Kaji, President of Nikole. If you are not too immersed in this world, we have to point out that Nikole is the name of a famous Japanese hobby magazine.

The mechanics are not entirely simple. So pay attention to these instructions. Inside the blank boxes you will have to write numbers from 1 to 9. The sum of these figures, at the end, must correspond to the key number, which is the one at the beginning of each row.

Numbers of the same sum cannot be repeated in the same row or column. It is important that before getting to work with the kakuros, you are very clear about what the sums with a single set are . They are those that can only be obtained through a single possible combination. For example: 3 + 1 = 4 or 2 + 1 = 3.

If you keep this concept in mind, things may be a little easier for you. Even so, with kakuros you will have to sharpen your math and logic skills as much as with sudoku. For now, here are twenty to whet your appetite: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 .

Images of Sudoku letters or Letradoku

Well, we have already told you about almost all types of Sudoku. So now we are going to see other forms of hobbies very similar to this one. And that will also hook you.  They are the sudokus of letters or letradokus. You can call them whatever you like. 

Surely you've been thinking about it from the beginning. Haven't they already invented letter sudoku? The answer is yes and the truth is that if you have not discovered it yet, you are quite late. Because there are for all tastes and colors. Today we want to provide you with a total of twenty, which you can download, print and enjoy anywhere. They are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20.

sudoku figures letters

Sudoku images of numbers and letters

What if we mixed it all up a bit? Did you know that there are sudokus of numbers and letters?  The truth is that it does, but you should know that we would not recommend it to players who have never had experience with any of the basic sudokus before. If this is your case, take a look at all the sudoku modalities that you have above to practice.

As soon as you are ready to face new challenges, you will be able to download a total of ten sudoku images of numbers and letters, the sea of ​​interesting and entertaining: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. You will see that as soon as you have caught the rhythm, there is no one to stop you.

Rare Sudoku

Rare Sudoku Pictures

If you've made it this far, you are most likely one of that collective of hobby players who think they haven't complicated life enough yet. Well, you have just reached the one that will become your favorite section . Because here we are going to include sudoku with Roman numerals and other strange characters.

Why? Well, because there are players who need new, difficult and risky challenges. The one with the Roman numerals is one of them. In addition to forcing you to sharpen your wits, these sudoku puzzles will be very useful for practicing Roman numerals . Something that never hurts, if you are one of those who have them a little forgotten. The gameplay is the same, only you will have to deal with Roman numerals all the time: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

We have also seen sudoku with Greek letters, Olympian gods, hexagonal, like honeycombs, cubic, triangular, a bunch of grapes, stars, enagonal, with original stars and with curious circles forming a hexagon.

didactic sudoku

Didactic Sudoku

Sudokus can be entertaining, but also very educational. In fact, they can become an excellent resource for working on basic math skills and concentration in children , but also memory in adults.

If you want to give this use to sudoku, you can choose a specially adapted material. In the networks we have found countless proposals that you can use both for children and for the elderly . Here you have a selection of ten didactic sudoku images: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.

Sudoku with drawings

Pictures of Sudoku with drawings

What do you get bored with normal sudoku? Well, don't worry, we're going to find a few more fun sudokus. We are talking about the sudoku puzzles with drawings , which are specially designed for children, but can be enjoyed by adults without problems.

Among them you will find drawings of food, fruit, animals, geometric figures, and so on . If you want to play, all you have to do is duplicate the drawings that you find inside the boxes in the other boxes. You can do it by writing (if you make a mistake, it will be difficult to erase it) or by drawing.

In that second case, you will have the opportunity to spend more time entertaining with Sudoku . Be that as it may, we propose a selection of ten: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.


Instructions for solving sudokus

Finally, we want to help you solve these sudokus with some basic instructions. If you have never played before, we recommend that you take a look at these rules. So as not to get lost on the way. If you plan to play the basics, follow these tips.

First of all, you should know that the most normal sudoku puzzles are usually made up of 9 × 9 grids . Likewise, these cells are divided into 3 × 3 regions. What you will usually find are numbers entered in the box, so your job will be to fill in the boxes that are empty. Unless you are instructed otherwise (because it is a game with letters or other signs) you will have to complete them from 1 to 9.

You must bear in mind, of course, that these numbers can never be repeated in each row, or in each column . Not even in every region. That is why it is important that you focus and take into account some tricks that can help you during the resolution of each panel.

Rules to keep in mind

  • Each row has to be completed with individual numbers, from 1 to 9 .
  • In each row, column, or region, there can be no repeating numbers .
  • There is only one solution for each Sudoku puzzle .

Interesting tips that will make things easier for you

  • Use pencil and eraser. If you are serious about it, it is better to use a pencil and an eraser that allows you to make modifications on the board. Most likely, especially at the beginning, you will have to redo the same row, column or region several times.
  • Part of the most repeated numbers . It will be easier for you to guess the missing numbers the more same numbers there are on the board.
  • Use the technique of elimination . You can do this by removing cell numbers or cells for a number. If you are discarding the numbers that cannot go there, you will end up keeping only the one that interests you.
  • Take into account the square regions . Remember that numbers cannot be repeated in columns and rows, but neither in square regions. Beginners tend to forget about this detail, so it is important that you always keep it in mind.
  • Use tiny numbers . For what? Well, to make probable combinations of the numbers that can go in each of the boxes. Many people use this technique so as not to lose detail. Then they erase the numbers that are not possible (because they are already on the board) until they are left with the one that can go on the square. This is why it is so important to use a pencil and an eraser.
  • So that everything is perfect ... Don't forget to check the sudoku game once you have finished. For what? Well, as it is a complicated puzzle, you may have made a mistake. In this way, the Sudoku puzzle may seem solved, but in reality, it may be wrong. If you want it perfect, take one last look at it.
  • You can start now! Logically, we recommend you start with the easy sudokus. At the beginning of this article we have offered you an interesting selection of simpler sudoku puzzles (some suitable for children) with which you can start training. If you get started in the art of Sudoku with a complicated board, chances are that you will abandon it forever and ever.