How to add photos or posts to an existing album on Facebook

How to add photos or posts to an existing album on Facebook

Facebook remains the undisputed queen of social media. It currently has 2,070 million active users per month. A figure to which we must also add those of Instagram, WhatsApp or Messenger, apps of their property that also enjoy great popularity. If you are a regular Facebook user, you will already know that it is possible to create albums with the photos that you upload. These albums can grow and, even if they are already created, you can always add new images or even publications.

However, you will only be able to add posts to already created albums or to a shared album of which you are a contributor. Also, live videos may not be included in any case. Facebook allows you to upload 1,000 photos per album, a figure that will undoubtedly give you to show your friends a lot of content. Be it your last vacation or the best moments you spend in your spare time.

Add photos to an existing album on Facebook

To add photos or a publication to an existing album, the first thing you have to do is go with your mobile or tablet to the section What are you thinking ?. Now go to + í album to select the album to which you would like to add them.

Facebook cheats

Then write a post or click photo or video to select photos or videos. Finally click on publish. Likewise, when you want to add more publications, photos or videos, you will have to repeat the same operation selecting the same folder in which you want them to be saved. If you want to determine who you want to see your publications, Facebook gives you the possibility to select it within the privacy settings of your album.

Facebook cheats album

Note that it is not possible to change the privacy of a post without changing the privacy of the album. It should also be noted that it is possible to add photos to an album after they have been published, although you will not be able to move other types of publications. If you liked this trick, you already know that you can share it with your friends on social networks. You can also leave us your impressions in the comments section.