Cómo arreglar los caracteres raros que salen en los subtítulos en español

How to fix weird characters that appear in Spanish subtitles

Al descargar subtítulos podemos encontrarnos con determinados caracteres que no aparecen o por el contrario aparecen otros totalmente diferentes. Esto es un problema común con los subtítulos en castellano ya que en nuestro idioma tenemos tildes y muchas veces los subtítulos no son capaces de interpretarlas así que colocan un carácter que se asemeja.

Solucionar este problema es realmente sencillo y no requiere de conocimientos específicos o tener que reescribir los subtítulos de manera manual. Pero para facilitaros el trabajo todavía más, hemos creado este tutorial en el que os explicaremos paso a paso lo que tenéis que hacer para conseguir que los subtítulos estén perfectos.

Conceptos básicos acerca de los subtítulos

Antes de empezar vamos a dejar un par de cosas claras. Este apartado va a ser más técnico por lo que si ya sabes todo acerca de los formatos y de su codificación puedes saltar al siguiente apartado. En el caso contrario, vamos a explicar esto de manera fácil y resumida porque sabemos que no es un tema que sea entretenido para todo el mundo.

The vast majority of subtitles are encoded in UTF-8 but in some cases when we download said subtitles they may be in ANSI . This causes compatibility issues and causes special characters such as accents to display as other characters. What we have to do is convert the subtitles from ANSI to UFT-8. We explain it below

How to fix weird characters in Spanish subtitles

The first step is to open the Notepad, if we do not have it at hand we can use Cortana to find it. First we go to the Windows bar and in it we press the Cortana symbol, once this is done we write "Notepad" with which the program will appear, by clicking it the program will be executed.

How to fix weird characters that appear in Spanish subtitles

With Notepad open, we go to its upper left corner and click on File . It will show us several options, we will press "open" with which a file explorer tab will appear. In the file explorer tab we will look for the folder where the subtitles that we want to fix are located.

How to fix weird characters that appear in Spanish subtitles

If they do not appear, even though we are in the appropriate folder, it is because it is not detecting them. To solve this we have to go to the lower right corner and where it says "text documents" change it to "All files" . By doing this, the subtitles that we want to fix will appear yes or yes.

How to fix weird characters that appear in Spanish subtitles

We open the file that we want to fix, once this is done we have to click again on File located in the upper left corner. A second tab will appear, in this we click on Save As. It is very important that it be Save As and not just Save because if we only save the method to fix the subtitles will not work.

How to fix weird characters that appear in Spanish subtitles

When doing the previous step, a file explorer tab will open where we will decide the place where we want to save this file. Once we have selected the folder in which we want to save the file, we have to go to the bottom. Here where it says Type we change Text Document to All files. Now we only have to change the encoding from ANSI to UFT-8, for this we go to Encoding and select UFT-8, once this is done we click save.

How to fix weird characters that appear in Spanish subtitles

How to fix weird characters that appear in Spanish subtitles

Now we have the perfect subtitles. Rare characters will not be displayed and as we have seen it is a really simple process to perform. If the player we use is VLC, what we have to do to make them appear automatically is to put the video and the subtitles in the same folder and both must have the same name.

How to fix weird characters that appear in Spanish subtitles

We can also add them manually, for this we will reproduce the content in VLC. Once it is playing we will go to the upper left and look for the Subtitle option. Once found we will click on it and then add subtitle. A file explorer window will open, in this window we will look for the folder with the subtitles we want to add.

How to fix weird characters that appear in Spanish subtitles

We hope that this guide is useful for you, we have seen that it is really really simple so now you don't have to eat your head every time you download some subtitles and see that they have strange characters.