Google Keep, para qué sirve y cómo se usa en Google Docs

What is the use of Google Keep in Google Docs?

Google Keep es una herramienta que nació como una especie de pizarra en la que pegar post-its. Algo así­ como lo que tenemos en la nevera de casa o en la oficina, pero en formato digital. Al principio lucí­a como un sitio repleto de etiquetas de colores, pero ahora se ha vuelto mucho más funcional.

En las últimas horas se ha conocido la noticia de Google Keep ha pasado a formar parte como un servicio más dentro de la G Suite. A partir de ahora se tratará de un servicio con entidad propia, como lo tienen Gmail o Google Drive.

Pero, ¿tienes la menor idea de cómo usar Google Keep?

google keep use

Get started with Google Keep

To start using Google Keep, logically you have to access the service page. Here you can see exactly how it works. You will have a space to create a note. Write whatever you want. You can even add images that you have stored on your computer and upload them.

google keep note color

Then you can also change the color note . Add a reminder to receive a notice at the time you want or share it with one of your collaborators. In the latter case, you will only have to indicate the email address of your collaborator.

Then you can also classify your notes by categories, so that you can easily group the notes you take and are related to work, family or your social activities. You can identify them by color and have them available on any device.

If you wish, in addition to using the keyboard and adding images , you can create notes by drawing, which will be great if you work from a mobile device or a tablet with a touch pointer.

google keep share

Yes, how could it be otherwise, Google Keep is also a service available in application format for mobiles and tablets . You have it available for Android, iOS (iPad and iPhone) and as an extension for Chrome. In this way you can automate a little more the operation of the notes from the browser, whatever the page you are on.

google keep extension

Install Google Keep as an extension to your Chrome browser

Installing Google Keep as an extension in your browser will make things much easier for you, because you can take notes at any time and without having to access the Google Keep page or your mobile application. Download the extension and follow the installation instructions. You will see that the icon of the tool (a box with a light bulb) appears at the end of the navigation bar, in the upper left part of the browser.

Click here to start writing a note . And save it. Google Keep will give you the option to add or remove the link from the page you are on. The note that you have created will be accumulated with the rest of the notes that you have stored in Google Keep.

google keep docs

How to use Google Keep in Google Docs

If you have started using Google Keep and are also a regular user of Google Docs, you have the option to combine the two tools and get a lot out of them . To start, you have it very easy:

1. Open the Google Docs document of your choice and then go to the Tools menu > Keep Notepad .

google keep notes google docs

2. Immediately the notepad will be activated and all the notes you have recently created will appear on the right side of the screen. You can add them to the document. All you have to do is drag and drop on the document .

3. Another thing you can do is manage the notes from here . Simply click on the three configuration points for each note to remove the notes from Keep or open them in the tool itself.

4. If you are inside a document, you can also create a new note and it will be added , along with its link, to the global repository.