How to hide files and folders in Windows 10

How to hide files and folders in Windows 10 1

Do you want to hide a file or folder on your computer so that no one can see its contents without your permission? If the answer is yes, you have come to the right place, we explain how you can do it in a very simple way using options included in Windows 10.

Hide folders and files with Windows 10

Windows 10 includes an option, which we can use to make some folders and some files no longer visible in the file explorer of this operating system. It is a very useful option when we need to hide sensitive files if we share our computer with another person. It can also be very useful within the professional sector.

We emphasize that using this simple trick, you can hide both the folders that are already created on your computer's hard drive, and the new folders that you create.

Hiding a folder on our computer is very simple. The first thing you need to do is go to that folder, using the Windows 10 file explorer. Once you have located the folder in question, click on it with the right mouse button, and select the " Properties " option .

How to hide files and folders in Windows 10 2

A new window will open in which you will be able to see an option to hide said folder at the bottom. You just have to click with the main mouse button to mark this option, and then accept the changes.

How to hide files and folders in Windows 10 3

This same trick can also be used to hide individual files found within a folder.

How to hide files and folders in Windows 10 4

After applying the changes, you will see that the folder or file that you just hid becomes slightly transparent , but is still perfectly visible in Windows 10's file explorer.

How to hide files and folders in Windows 10 5

This is because the Windows 10 file explorer includes an option that allows you to view the folders and files that are hidden. Fortunately, it is something that we can solve very easily.

To make Windows 10 stop showing hidden files and folders, just open the file explorer of this operating system, then go to the View tab, and then uncheck the option " Hidden items ".

How to hide files and folders in Windows 10 6

Ready, this way the hidden files and folders are no longer shown

Applications to hide files in Windows 10

If you need a more advanced, more professional alternative when it comes to hiding folders and files on your Windows 10 computer, you can use some third-party applications.

The advantage of using an application of this type is that you will obtain a higher level of security, since no one will be able to modify the Windows 10 file explorer, to be able to see the information that you have hidden.

File Locker is one of the best options that we can find for this purpose, and it also has the advantage that it is open source software, so it is completely free to use, and it is also available for other operating systems such as Linux, Android and Mac.

In this case we will use the Windows 10 version as an example.

The operation of the programs is very simple, since we will only have to drag the folder or the file that we want to hide, and then click on the " Lock " button .

How to hide files and folders in Windows 10 7

Here ends our article on how to hide folders and files in Windows 10, we hope you find it very useful. Remember that you can leave a comment at the end of this article if you have any questions.