Tips for using Google Calendar like an expert

Tips for using Google Calendar like an expert

Our day to day is very busy. Between so many appointments, meetings and tasks, it is impossible that something does not stay by the way. In these cases, it is best to have an  agenda or calendar where we can keep track of all our obligations . Nor would it hurt if we could set alarms and reminders to be 100% sure that we will meet our commitments.

For many reasons, we believe that Google Calendar is a great application with a multitude of functions that will make our life much easier . Therefore, from Tuexperto we are going to compile a series of tips and tricks to get the most out of this tool. After reading this special, you will think about what you have been doing all this time without using the Google calendar. We started.


Edit events

One of its most used functions, and the most basic, is the creation of events. From an appointment with the doctor, to the Christmas dinner with the company, any event you can think of has a place in Google Calendar. An easy way to organize your days so you don't miss any important commitments .

Of course, from the moment we have created one, we can customize it to our liking , going to the event in question and clicking on the pencil icon. From there, we can add new notifications to notify us in advance the date of an event as many times as we want, or even change its color to distinguish different categories (work, leisure, birthdays ...). Whatever we can think of!

Another interesting aspect in event editing is the ability to add notes. By simply clicking on 'Add note' we can include any comment that occurs to us regarding the event we are creating . For example, things we need to bring, points to discuss before a work meeting, well, whatever. In addition, as if that were not enough, we can also attach files to the event in the event that we believe they may be necessary.


Many of the events we create are usually associated with places. Imagine that we have to deliver a package to a post office, or a dinner at a specific restaurant. In these types of cases, it is always quite useful to have the location in addition to the time.

Thanks to Google Calendar we can  associate a geolocation to events . In this way, when creating an event, you can add where it is going to be held, something that comes in handy when you or the other people do not know where to go.

Also, this feature integrates seamlessly with Google Maps . In fact, when adding a location to the event, Calendar will also include a photo of the place that you added to the event.


Mark your goals

One of the latest additions to the Google Calendar features, well worth a look. This is the option to set goals , from going to the gym for a specified time to eating a piece of fruit a day. The goal is set by you. Thanks to this option, the application will alert us when it detects that we are not meeting the objective we had set.

Also, if our goal is related to sports, we have the option to synchronize the goal with the Google Fit device . We can add objectives by clicking on the '+' icon that appears in the lower right of the calendar in the mobile version.

Using the interface

Google Calendar is a tool that tries to make our life a little more comfortable, and one way to do it is to make the most of its usability. For example, if we want to reorganize an event to change its date, it will be enough to drag it to place it directly on the day we choose. This is available both in the web version of the service and with its mobile applications.

You can also swipe an event to delete it . You will only have to keep it pressed and slide to the right, so that the reminders will be completed and the events will be deleted. It's a little trick available only in the mobile version.

And if the option to slide or drag events seems insufficient, we can also use the "OK, Google" function. Thanks to voice commands, we can  tell Google to create an event for us, choosing the place, reason and date . A quick way to use Google Calendar for when we don't even have time to look at the screen.

new calendar

More calendars

Within Calendar it is possible to have several calendars in one. For what? Well, this is quite useful because it allows us to organize a series of events by theme . That is, we can create a calendar for work issues, others of a family nature and another, for example, for matters related to our physical activity.

In this way, we can filter the reminders that we have programmed by categories . The problem is that you can only implement this trick in the web version of Google Calendar. To do this, we will only have to go to the lower left area. Within it, we select the left sidebar and, where it says 'Other calendars', we press the '+' icon and ' New Calendar' . Next, we fill in the necessary data to create it.

Synchronization with other Google applications

We are going to end with a super interesting function that we have already been advancing in a certain way throughout this special. We talk about the possibility of synchronizing our Google Calendar with other tools of the company. As you all know, one of the greatest advantages of Google applications is the connection that exists between them. All are complemented through our Google account  sharing information between them.

For example, you may have already noticed that, when booking a flight with our Gmail account, the corresponding event appears on our calendar , with all the details about it: schedules, destination and flight number.

We have also referred before to the option to synchronize Calendar with Google Fit when it comes to meeting the objectives set with the tool, especially if they have to do with sports.