9 uses of Google Docs that you had not considered until now

google docs without internet

Google Docs, also known as Google Documents in Spain, is probably one of the best alternatives to Microsoft Word. Although the web application is not as complete as Microsoft's tool, Google's commitment to edit texts online is more than enough for basic use. In fact, there are many options with which we can get the most out of the aforementioned tool, and this time we will see some of the most useful.

index of contents

  • Use Google Docs offline
  • Fax documents with Google Docs
  • Sign documents online with Google Docs
  • Do group work through Google Docs
  • Use voice typing in Google Docs
  • Create an Online Resume with Google Docs
  • Translate texts online with Google Documents
  • Use Google Docs as a plagiarism detector
  • Create citations and bibliographies automatically in Google Docs

Use Google Docs offline

So is. Although the web application requires an Internet connection to function, Google Documents has an extension for Chrome with which we can use it without having to remain connected to the network.

  • Download extension for Google Chrome

Once we have installed the extension, it will be enough to go to the Google Docs website ( docs.google.com ) to use the application offline. From the platform we can create new documents and edit them, although some functions that require Internet will be limited for obvious reasons.

Fax documents with Google Docs

Did you know that you can send a fax through Google Docs without leaving your home? To do this we will have to make use of a Google Documents add-on called Fax Plus, which we can download from this link.

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After installing the extension, we will access the online editor through the document we want to send and click on Add-ons . In Fax Plus we will click on Send fax. Now we will only have to fill in the data that the application requires to proceed with the shipment.

The good news is that the plugin has a free trial of up to ten pages . Later we will have to pay the amount of each shipment.

Sign documents online with Google Docs

Creating a digital signature is something that usually requires a third-party application. If we want to sign a document without resorting to external tools, Google Docs is the solution.

Just click on Insert and then on Drawing and New. Then an online editor will be displayed that will allow us to draw or create a digital signature. If we are going to sign a document online we will have to click on Type of stroke and select the Freehand option .

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Finally we will create a trace with the computer mouse that we can modify to our liking.

Do group work through Google Docs

A very useful option that allows you to edit documents between different participants in real time and without resorting to several programs. In this case the process is as simple as clicking on Share within the original document .

A pop-up window will then be displayed where we will have to enter the list of email addresses with which we want to share the document in question and the permissions that we want to grant them. Editing, visualization, comments ...

Use voice typing in Google Docs

Tired of transcribing a text using the computer keyboard? With Google Chrome and Google Documents we can dictate text through voice. Within Tools in the top menu we will click on Voice typing and finally on Dictate, but not before activating the Microphone permissions on the web.

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Ideally, to transcribe a text with the fewest possible errors is to enunciate the words clearly at a moderate speed. If we want to write a punctuation, exclamation or question mark we will have to quote the element literally . "Semicolon", "Open exclamation" or "Comma".

Create an Online Resume with Google Docs

Why resort to external programs to create a CV when we can use Google Docs templates. On the main page of Google Documents ( docs.google.com ) we will click on Template Gallery and then on Resumes . Then the web will show us a list with a series of customizable templates that we can use for free.

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Are we not convinced by the original Google templates? We can always download external templates through third party pages. In this other article we show you some of the most popular pages.

Translate texts online with Google Documents

Google Translate is the quintessential page for anyone looking to translate texts online. With Google Documents we can make use of this without leaving the web or resorting to an extension or third-party program.

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The process is as simple as clicking on Tools and then on Translate text . Now it is enough to select the name of the new document and the language in which we want the text to be exported. A new document will automatically be generated with the text fully translated into the language we have previously selected.

Use Google Docs as a plagiarism detector

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The so-called "anti-plagiarism programs" are the daily bread in universities and public institutes. The objective of these programs is to compare the text of a document with the text of some of the most important academic sources of today, such as Wikipedia or Encyclopedia.

  • Download PlagiarismChech

PlagiarismCheck is one of the best known pages to detect plagiarism. It is also one of the most popular Google Docs extensions. Once the tool is installed and started, the plugin will tell us both the percentage of plagiarism and the number of phrases and text plagiarized from external sources . Ideal if we want to avoid surprises in the final grade of a job, TFG or TFM.

Create citations and bibliographies automatically in Google Docs

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Paperpile is another very useful extension for college and high school students. Roughly speaking, the extension allows us to quote texts and create bibliographies automatically through the integrated search engine that it integrates.

  • Download Paperpile

Simply select the text to cite and the extension will create a bibliography associated with this text and a reference number . We can also select the citation format (APA, Vancouver ...) and the format of the text in question.