Todas las funciones y combinaciones de la tecla CTRL en Windows


Forma parte de nuestros teclados desde siempre. Es, aunque no lo pares a pensar, una tecla sin la que ya no podrí­as vivir. Hablamos de la tecla CTRL o Control, una de las denominadas “modificadoras”, que nos permite llevar a cabo determinadas acciones bastante más rápido, que si tuviéramos usar los menús tradicionales.

De hecho, si pulsas la tecla CTRL en Windows y en solitario, rara vez tendrá algún tipo de repercusión en tu ordenador con Windows. Uno de sus usos más habituales es el de la combinación CTRL + Alt + Supr,  con la que podemos reiniciar el ordenador cuando ya no nos queda más remedio.

Pero este es solo un ejemplo. Si tienes un ordenador con Windows, podrás usar la tecla CTRL para llevar a cabo infinidad de acciones. Hoy queremos hablarte de todas las funciones y combinaciones de esta tecla. ¿Sabes sacarles provecho?

CTRL keyboards

Funciones y combinaciones de la tecla CTRL en Windows

The CTRL or Control key can do many things. And save us quite a few steps. But almost always you have to use it in combination. Here is a guide you can memorize. Although if you save this article in favorites, you will always have it on hand to consult when you need.

  • CTRL + mouse wheel on the desktop . It is used to change the size of the icons.
  • CTRL + mouse wheel on the home screen . It is for zooming.
  • CTRL + Plus sign (+) or Minus sign (-) . It also allows us to zoom.
  • CTRL + B in File Explorer . Open a tab with search options.
  • CTRL + C.  Copy what you need (text, images, folders, files ...).
  • CTRL + Insert . It can also be used to copy elements.
  • CTRL + E.  As in Word, it allows you to select everything that appears on the screen.
  • CTRL + Win + F.  It is used to find computers within a network.
  • CTRL + Alt + L.  Activates the magnifying glass.
  • CTRL + N. With this command you can open a new browser window.
  • CTRL + Shift + N.  If you need to create a new folder in explorer, you can do it like this.
  • CTRL + R.  This is for updating.
  • CTRL + V.   It's the classic Paste command that you also use in Word. In this case, it will be the same to paste a text, a folder or any file somewhere.
  • CTRL + W.  If you have the browser window open, you can close it like this.
  • CTRL + X. This is useful for cutting files, folders, or text.
  • CTRL + Y.  You can redo something that you have done previously.
  • CTRL + Z.  And here is one of the most universal commands. With this you can do (almost) anything.
  • CTRL + Alt + Tab.  Do you have different applications open? Using the arrows you can exchange them.
  • CTRL + Esc.  You can quickly return to the home screen. And here nothing has happened.
  • CTRL + Shift + Esc.  This will be great for opening the task manager.

CTRL keyboard

The CTRL key in Windows to move through the text

Do you usually work with text? If you have to move through the text, either in Word documents or in document management platforms, you can use the CTRL or Control key to move more agilely through the text . If you learn the commands, it will be much easier than doing it with the mouse.

  • CTRL + Left Arrow.  Allows you to go to the immediately previous word.
  • CTRL + Shift + Left Arrow.  You can select a piece of text.
  • CTRL + Right Arrow.  If you need to move to the next word, do it with this command.
  • CTRL + Shift + Up or Down Arrow.  This command will also come in handy for selecting fragments of text in one direction or another.
  • CTRL + Up Arrow. With this command, you will have the option of going to the previous paragraph without using the mouse.
  • CTRL + Down Arrow.  It is just the same as the previous command, but to go to the paragraph that you have below.
  • CTRL + F4.  You can also close the document that you have open at the moment, you just have to press this combination of keys.