How to embed subtitles in a video easily and for free

How to embed subtitles in a video easily and for free

Subtitles have become a fundamental tool for many people with a fondness for watching movies in other languages. In addition, they can also be very useful if you are learning a new language. Today we explain how you can embed subtitles in your movies in a very simple way, to use them more easily.

On the Internet there are many user groups that are dedicated to creating subtitles for different movies and series. Most of the time, titles are available in the SubRip format , whose extension is .srt. It is a fairly simple format to use, but it has some drawbacks such as the fact that the subtitles are in a separate file from the video itself.

To use subtitles in SubRip format, we must save the subtitles file and the video file in the same folder. Furthermore, both files must have the exact same name . If we meet these requirements when we open our video file with a suitable program like VLC, we will see how the subtitles are loaded automatically.

srt subtitles

The main drawback of this method is that we have to store both files for you, in addition to that we will have to rename them manually if when downloading them from the Internet they do not have exactly the same name.

Integrate subtitles into your videos with HandBrake

The easiest way to solve the problem that I have mentioned above, is to integrate the subtitle file within the video file itself. This is something that we can do in a very simple way using HandBrake , an open source program that is available for Windows as well as for Mac and Linux.

The first step is to download the HandBrake program from the official website of this project.

After downloading it we have to install it. The installation process is very simple, we will only have to click on next a few times.

Finally we open the HandBrake program and import our video files to later embed the subtitles.

embed subtitles in a video 1

Once the video opens we need to load the file with the subtitles. To do this, we just have to enter the " Subtitles " tab and click on " Import SRT ".

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We make sure that the two boxes seen in the following image are checked. This is used to make the subtitles show only if we select it in the program that we will use to play the video.

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The next step is to select the codec that Handbrake will use to encode the new generated file. We recommend using the H.264 Intel QSV or H.264 Nvidia NVEnc options as they work best and work faster.

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We click on " Browse " to select where we want to save the new file and give it a name. After that we click on " Add to Queue " to put the file in Handbrake's work queue.embed subtitles in a video 4

Finally, we click on " Start Queue " and the whole process will begin. The duration depends on the size of the video file and the power of your computer. With the power of today's computers, it won't take long if you use the options we've shown you in this tutorial.

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At the end of the process, a new video file with integrated subtitles will have been generated, so that you no longer have the need to use the .srt file. When you will have the new video with VLC you will be able to make the subtitles show without the need for the subtitle file. It's that simple to integrate a subtitle file into the video itself.