How to check the return status of the 2018 income statement

How to check the return status of the 2018 income statement

The campaign to make the declaration of Income 2018 began on April 2 and will last until July 1. Until then, taxpayers have time to render accounts with the Treasury. Many have already done so and the body itself has estimated that 70% of the returns submitted will be returned .

If this is your case, you should know that at any time you can check the status of the refund electronically , just as you have already done all your 2018 Income Tax procedures: check the tax data, file the return itself, and so on.

And although the easiest way to check how your return is progressing is by connecting to the Tax Agency application that you have installed on your mobile (or you should, it will be very useful), you can also make the query from the agency's website. We tell you how to check the status of the return of the 2018 income statement in a few simple steps.

Check the status of the return through the mobile app 

Check the status of the return through the mobile app

If you already used the mobile application to get your reference number and file the 2018 Income Tax return, you have it very easy. In fact, you will only have to access it again to check - as many times as you want or need - the status of the return. You just have to do the following:

1. Open the Tax Agency application and click on Start . The system will ask you to identify yourself with the fingerprint, the pin code or the unlock pattern that you have configured for the phone.

2. Once inside, click on the Income 2018 button (Income draft presentation).

3. Next, choose the Processing status option (Return inquiry).

4. What will appear immediately is the status of the return. If you have not submitted it yet, the following text will appear: We do not have any 2018 Income Tax return submitted by you. But if you have already presented it, you will be able to see any of the 2018 Income status messages . They can be the following:

  • Your statement is being processed.
  • The declaration with the indicated amount has not been recorded or is in process. Check the amount.
  • Your declaration has been recorded and is being verified.
  • Your declaration has been processed by the Tax Management bodies, estimating the refund requested by you.
  • Your return has been issued on X / X / XXXX; If in 10 days you have not received the amount, go to the delegation / administration of the Tax Agency corresponding to your tax address.

income 2018 return status

Check the status of the return from the web

Another option that you should consider, because it is perfectly valid, is to check the status of the refund through the website of the Tax Agency. The procedure is also very simple . You must do the following:

1. Access the Tax Agency website or type this address in the browser: //

2. Next, click on  Draft / declaration processing service (Renta WEB) .

3. A window will open with three different types of access. You can access with total normality through the reference number that you have obtained to manage the return . If you have already used the web to do the procedures, the most likely is that the code has been stored directly in the browser.

4. By clicking on the Access button, you will immediately see the information regarding the status of the return of your 2018 Income Statement .