How to connect your iPhone to the Gear S3

S3 side view, industry photo

The first question that arises for many when they buy a wearable is: "Is this valid for use with an iPhone?"  Well, if you are the proud owner of a Samsung Gear S3 , you can now use it with iOS.  The apple brand is usually made to beg when there are third-party interests involved, but in recent years it has had to give ground because the Apple fanboy is no longer so faithful . Well, to be precise, they remain faithful, but they complement their devices with other brands. Surely that friend who said: "I am all Apple", now has a Xiaomi Band or a Google Chromecast.

The thing does not stop there, in addition to the Samsung Gear S3 , the Samsung Gear S2 and the Samsung Fit 2 are also compatible .iphone 7 and logos gear sy app store

What I need?

In addition to an iPhone and a Gear S3, of course, you must meet these requirements:

-Your iPhone  must have iOS 9 or higher.

-Install the Samsung Gear S App that you can find in the Apple App Store .

Steps to follow to connect your Gear S3 to an iPhone

Once you have the app installed on your phone, you'll need to fiddle around with the 1.3-inch Super AMOLED screen on the Samsung Gear S3: go to Settings and find Connect to new device - either by sliding your finger or spinning the wheel external- and then open the application on your mobile. Follow the next steps.

  1. If you don't have iPhone Bluetooth turned on, turn it on.
  2. Select Connect to Gear.
  3. The typical message will appear if you want to connect both devices, click on Pair.
  4. The Samsung Gear S3 screen will display a numeric password that must match the one on the iPhone. If so, continue.
  5. You must give S3 permissions to access your location, contacts, calendar and photos. If you want your new watch to do some function with your terminal.
  6. Accept the license agreements.
  7. Press Done.

Gear S screenshot

If everything went well, you should be able to enjoy functions such as S Health and record all your activity on your iPhone - if you are not one of those who only goes from the sofa to the refrigerator. If you are not interested in healthy or monitoring applications, you can always reply to WhatsApp messages from your keyboard -three letters per key, useful at least-, or if you prefer, you can use your S Voice assistant and not even have to bother in pressing on the sphere. As a multimedia device, it can act as a "remote control" for your phone, and if not, use the S3's internal music player , limited by 4GB of internal storage.

Apple has always been a leader and a reference in design, but the Samsung Gear S3 will not clash at any time with your apple phone. Its sober and elegant line, which at some point may remind you of classic watches, will look great with your iPhone 7 Plus . Two great companies have agreed to make you happy, are you going to waste it? Of course, if you do not have either of these two devices, prepare an average of 1000 euros.

You will miss some features

With the latest tests we have been able to verify that the functionality is not complete. For example, message synchronization does not work. You will not be able to transfer music directly from iOs to your S3, you will have to use the Gear Music Manager client from the PC. And other more important actions such as finding your device (Find my device), email synchronization and responses to them will not be available either. Nike + Running is useless and Samsung Pay too - Apple Pay making homeland.