Be careful with this fake email from Banco Santander, it is a scam


Have you received an email from Banco Santander in the last week? Dozens of users have denounced in various forums and social networks the receipt of an email from the Spanish bank stating that our bank account has been blocked. Following the alert, the email attaches a link to an alleged Banco Santander website urging us to change the password. From this moment we confirm that it is a fake email. But what is hidden behind these types of emails? And more importantly, what can we do if we have been deceived? We see it.

This email from Banco Santander could steal your bank details

No more no less. The entity itself has confirmed it through a tweet on its official Twitter account. "It is an impersonation of our identity to obtain data from our clients and carry out unauthorized operations," says the financial institution.

Good morning, that's right, this email you received is false. It is an impersonation of our identity to obtain data from our clients and carry out unauthorized operations.

- Santander Spain Responds (@santander_resp) May 15, 2020

As we can see in the image published by the user @daniuson on Twitter, the email in question is usually accompanied by the following message.

"Dear Customer, 

As of May 14, 2020, you will not be able to use your card if you have not activated the new web security system. The new safety net is a solution that guarantees greater security and reliability of your operations.

To activate the new security system

Click here"

Once we have accessed the linked website, the browser will show us a copy of the Banco Santander digital platform. After entering the access data (username and password) in the false form, the information will be sent to cybercriminals to access our account and perform unauthorized banking operations. Money transfers, purchases in foreign countries and so on.

What can I do if I have already entered my data on the web

If we have entered any type of information in the false form on the web, the first thing we will have to do is change the access password of our bank through the Banco Santander application . The next thing we should do is contact the bank's customer service directly through the following phone number:

  • 915 123 123

This national rate telephone number is active 24 hours a day, 365 days a year . Once we have managed to contact an operator, we will explain what happened so that you can cancel any operation that has been carried out recently. Most likely, some information will be requested from us to verify that we are indeed the owners of the line.

How to identify fake emails from Banco Santander

The easiest way to check the veracity of an email is to check the header of the email.

Typically, the bank calls us by our own name rather than using a general formula, such as "Dear customer" or "Dear customer . " We can also use the sender's email address. If the address is similar to "[email protected]", "[email protected]" or any variation of the original bank email, it is most likely that we are facing a false email.

The same is true for web pages. If the name of the website is “”, “[email protected] or some variation of the original name, it is very likely that it is a false page. Let us remember that the original domain of the web is . And it goes without saying that Banco Santander does not communicate with its clients by means of a simple email, but rather through letters or through the telephone service.