10 of the most absurd things you can buy on Amazon

10 of the most absurd things you can buy on Amazon

They are strange things. Strange items that you probably don't want to buy even as a joke. Or that maybe they seduce you so much that you end up purchasing several units of each and every one of them. In Amazon we can find countless things. In fact, it is one of the largest stores on the Internet.

So it is not uncommon to find such rare things as canned unicorn meat, farts from this animal that can be eaten, freeze-dried strawberries for astronauts or perfume inspired by a funeral home. Almost nothing. If you are looking for something curious to try or give as a gift, we suggest you take a look at these ten articles. Which one of them gives you the most grief? 

A mouse trap by immersion 

1. A mouse trap per dip

Do you have mice at home? If this is your case, you can do a couple of things. The first, adopt a cat. They are real lynx when it comes to hunting these rodents. The second is to acquire some type of trap that allows you to eliminate the plague once and for all . Keep in mind that mice reproduce at breakneck speed, so your pantry - if it's full enough - can become an oasis for them.

In the market you can find traps of many types. But the one we want to show you today borders on sadism. It is a trampoline that you can install next to a bucket of water. For the mice to bite, all you have to do is put a little food on the end. The trampoline will instantly make the innocent mouse slide and dive into the water. 

strawberry astronauts

2. Food for astronauts: strawberries

If you have an astronaut complex or are thinking of going into space one day, you may need to start shopping for supplies. And if not (which is most likely), you can make absurd food storage for astronauts. In Amazon you will find countless packages to eat in the space or failing that, on the sofa at home. Here you have, for example, a strawberry breakfast. It weighs 14 grams and is frozen at -40 degrees, vacuum dried and sealed in special aluminum foil bags. Almost like the sandwiches your mother made for you to go to school.

Be careful, its manufacturers (in the United States) warn you: due to the nature of this product, which is freeze-dried, 14 grams of strawberries may not reach your house in block. They warn, yes, that although the bar is made to pieces , it is perfectly edible.

And if you are not very fruitful, you can try a Neapolitan ice cream cut (three tastes: cream, strawberry and chocolate) or a double chocolate ice cream with chips. Although carnivores have the possibility of purchasing freeze-dried beef , seasoned with green pepper. The package gives all the fun in the world: there each one with what gets between chest and back.

unicorn meat

3. Unicorn meat (canned)

Surely you have seen it on more than one occasion, because in networks and online stores it has become a hit . It's canned unicorn meat. Included in the pot are, according to the description, several pieces of unicorn meat in sauce, with pieces of horn (even).

At the bottom of the can there is a space, easy to remove, in which the hardened buyers of this can will find a dead mini unicorn inside. But in the end, it's all about a joke. Neither the can can be opened, nor is there any piece of meat inside . And luckily.

frog mask

4. A frog mask

Going back to work is hard, very hard. But how about you do it with this frog mask? That your boss walks through the door and finds a frog typing, is priceless. Made of natural, toxic-free latex, it has room in the nose and mouth to breathe properly. In addition, it can fit perfectly on the head of any child or adult (even if they wear glasses).

You can use it this week, to get back to work. But you can also take advantage of it at any time of the year, such as Christmas, Carnival, Easter and Halloween . The best of all? That barely costs 14 euros.

trump toilet

5. Donald Trump's toilet paper

Or the detractors of Donald Trump. Each roll costs 1.57 euros, so if we compare it with the price of toilet paper rolls in the supermarket, this will go out of the way. But if what you really want is to use the face of Donald Trump to clean yourself , here is a chance to quench all your anger against the controversial leader. Although, if you feel like it, you can also take revenge on other world leaders. On Amazon you can find toilet paper with the faces of many people.

grandparents racing

6. Grandparent racing

If you are looking for a strange and curious game, the best thing you can do, surely, is to acquire this one about grandparents racing. In the box are a couple of grandparents, a lovely gentleman and a lady . She moves in a walker and he in a motorized chair, ideal for moving at high speed on the ground.

Just take them out of the box and place them on any table to start running . The grace of everything is in checking who of the two reaches the goal first. The game is on sale for 13.80 euros.

Adorable unicorn poops

7. Adorable unicorn farts

We have talked to you about canned unicorn meat and now we want to pay attention to another invention that has caught our attention and that in this case, it is edible. It's the unicorn farts. Which are not actually gases, but adorable marshmallow clouds , in a suspicious shade of lilac and with sparkling sugar on top.

If you buy these farts through Amazon, what you will take home is a nice bag with 20 grams of unicorn farts . Great for invisible friends, pranks, and other fun events. Of course, counting the shipping costs, the package will cost about 10 euros.


8. Nothing

What do you want for your birthday? Nothing. What do I have to bring for the party? Nothing. Is something missing for tonight's meal? Nothing. Well, take it at face value once and for all . If you are one of those who always bring things, but they tell you that you didn't need to bring anything, go applying the story.

On Amazon they sell 'nothing', the gift for people who already have everything. It is a joke object, perfect to bring to any family gathering or with friends. What you will receive is a transparent ball with nothing inside. Just what everyone asks you to bring. The joke costs 10 euros.

demeter funeral

9. Funeral Home Fragrance

If you are into sinister things, here is something you will love. It is a fragrance from the Demeter house, in this case baptized as Funeral Home. It smells of gladiolus, lily and other typical funeral wreath flowers . We do not know if it is an ideal fragrance for days when deaths occur or if the only unfortunate thing here is the name.

In any case, Demeter has many other curious fragrances, such as 'Glue', 'Mold' or 'Play-Doh Plasticine'. The funerary cologne pot will cost you more than 55 euros . You almost get a better price for the flower crown.

emergency whiskers

10. Emergency whiskers

You never know when one will need an emergency mustache. In this little box you have them all. Do you want to look like Einstein? Would you rather adopt a mustache in the purest Dalí style? Or would you like Charlot's more? Whichever one you choose, if what you want is a mythical mustache, you will surely find it here.

A total of six emergency whiskers come in this box. All of them are removable, logically, so you can stick them under your nose in any circumstance. If you need to change your appearance to hide it, always carry them in your backpack. Six mustaches cost 8 euros.