How to check and modify the tax address for Income 2018

How to use the app of the Tax Agency for the 2018 Income declaration

If you are going to make the 2018 Income Statement and you want to get off to a good start, you will first have to check that all the data that the Tax Agency has are correct . To begin with, the agency has all your tax data, which includes the income obtained from work, your real estate assets, and so on. This information is key when checking the draft and submitting the return.

But there is another important piece of information, which is the tax address, to which you should pay special attention, because this identifies you as a taxpayer and allows the Tax Agency to contact you if necessary.

Luckily, if this data changes throughout your life, you can easily change it online . It is an option that you have available from the Tax Agency office. Next, we tell you how to check your tax address and if you need it, modify it.


Check and modify the tax address for Income 2018

If you want to consult and modify the tax address for Income 2018 and for the future, you have to do the following:

1. Access the main page of Income 2018. From this same space you can access all the procedures, but first you will need to have registered a reference number. Unless you access through your DNI or electronic certificate or through the PIN code system.

2. On this page you will find an option that reads: Check and modify the tax address . It is located within the More procedures column, located on the right. Press here. You will access the My census data area.

3. You will see that it is a different section from the 2018 Income. Here you can find the models that correspond to this procedure, which is the verification and modification of the tax data. They are 036 and 037 of the Census of employers, professionals and retainers: the census declaration of registration, modification and cancellation and simplified census declaration.

4. Click on the option Consultation and modification of the tax address and the notification address (My census data). Keep in mind that in order to access this option you must have a DNI or electronic certificate or be registered in the Clave PIN system. In this case, it is not possible to do the procedure with a reference number.


Modify the tax address

Once inside, the system will have loaded your identifying data as user and taxpayer . You can then make the queries and modifications that you consider appropriate. You just have to press the Modify data button, located in the upper right part of the box. When you finish, you will have to click the Send button.

If you want you can make other queries and of course, you will have to click on the Other queries option. From here you will also have the option to see the list of taxpayer activities (in this case you, although you also have the option to make inquiries for other taxpayers), the tax situation (a list of your tax situation with respect to VAT, Tax of Societies, IRPF and Non-Resident Income Tax) and your obligations (the list of periodic tax obligations that you have as a taxpayer and their status).

Once the change of tax address has been made, you will have to have saved the changes and this will be updated for all purposes for the Tax Agency, also for this 2018 Income Statement, whose term opened on April 2 and ends on April 1 July 2019.