How to review my stay at Movistar, Vodafone and Orange

How to review my stay at Movistar, Vodafone and Orange

The commitment to stay in an operator establishes the duration of your contract with that operator . If the client wishes to terminate the contractual relationship before the permanence commitment expires, they will have to bear certain costs. Each operator establishes its own rules. For example, Movistar has no commitment to stay in its Fusion rates, except when it is a new registration, which is established in 3 months. At Vodafone, however, the commitment to contracting fiber optics rises to 12 months. On the part of the third major operator, Orange, the terms are exactly the same: one year with them if you don't want to go through the box.

All these terms can be increased by up to 24 months if we have decided to finance a phone with one of the operators. As the number of figures is obvious, we must always bear in mind how long we have left in our operator. Thus, we can know when to demand that they offer us some type of promotion, both in our current operator and in any other.

At your expert we want to make your life easier. That is why we are going to teach you to see your permanence in the different operators , with an exhaustive guide of the steps to proceed in each one of them. Once your commitment to stay has been detected, you can decide whether to continue with your operator with the current conditions, force them to offer you better options or switch to another that offers you better rates. In the end, the final decision, as always, will be in your hand.

Movistar, Orange or Vodafone, with which 300 MB fiber contract plus mobile?

How to know how long I have left to stay at Movistar

First of all, we are going to provide interesting information for all Movistar users. To check the time of permanence in your offer, if you have financed a telephone (we remind you that Movistar has no permanence, only in new registrations, which is 3 months, or when you finance a telephone), you only have to enter this link that we leave you. It is the page belonging to your client area, where you can check the permanence, if you still have one. If there is no data to show, the page will tell you so.

How to know how long I have left to stay at Vodafone

It is the turn of the Vodafone operator. To consult Vodafone's commitment to stay, you must enter the operator's customer area at this link. On your right, in the main menu of the page, you must select the product from which you want to obtain the desired information, either the fiber or one of the lines associated with it in 'My products'. Once on the line, enter 'Mobile and SIM' and in the 'Commitment' subsection you will get the information you require.

How to review my stay at Movistar, Vodafone and Orange 1

How to know how long I have to stay in Orange

On your mobile line

We end up with relevant information for users of the Orange operator. If you are a customer, you must enter your customer area and look for the section corresponding to 'My line'. Next, we choose the section 'And also'. Within it, click on the option 'End of stay commitment'.

On your landline + ADSL / Fiber

  • Enter the customer area with your username and password: you can only consult it from a personal computer . Remember that your username is your NIF, CIF, NIE or passport
  • In the top menu, enter My Fiber / ADSL
  • Once on this screen, enter 'Permanence commitment'