How to make a grid sheet in Word

How to make a grid sheet in Word

There are some situations in which you may need a grid sheet in Word, for example if you are designing a form to fill in, or if you want to display certain information in specific places in your document. We explain how you can create a grid sheet in Word in a very simple way.

Create your custom grid sheets with Word

In this tutorial you will learn how to create a gridded sheet in Word in a very simple way, we also explain how you can customize it to your liking, so that it shows both the size and the number of squares that interest you.

The first step you need to create a grid sheet in Word is to open this great word processor and create a new, completely blank document.

The next step is to decide the number and size of the squares, which you want to appear on your grid sheet. To do this, you first need to make sure that you have the " Ruler " tool activated , you can do it in a simple way from the "View" menu.

How to make a grid sheet in Word 1

In this example we will create a work area with a total size of 15 centimeters, which means that we can put 15 squares one centimeter wide each, or 30 squares half a centimeter wide. Of course there are many more possibilities, these are just two examples of what we can do in a 15 cm workspace.

The next step will be to define the size of the margins on our grid sheet, in this case we will use margins of 3cm. You can adjust the margins on the "Format" tab, by clicking on the "Margins" icon.

How to make a grid sheet in Word 4

Once we are clear about the size of our workspace and the number of boxes that we want to enter, we can now proceed with our gridded sheet in Word. For this we will use the function " Insert table " that you have surely used before.

We need to use a custom table. In this case the number of columns we will put 15, which corresponds to the number of rectangles that we want our gridded sheet to have. In the column width we remove the automatic value and select 1 cm. As for the number of rows, we can easily fill the sheet by putting 50 rows.

How to make a grid sheet in Word 3

We accept, and we will see how our Word document becomes a grid table, which we can use for all kinds of tasks.