5 claves que hacen únicos a los frigoríficos de LG

5 claves de los frigoríficos combi de LG de 2019

En LG están dispuestos a mejorar aún más su familia de frigoríficos. Por ello han lanzado una nueva generación de sus electrodomésticos combi, aquellos que cuentan con parte frigorífica y parte de congelador. Pero ¿dónde se puede innovar en un electrodoméstico que ya lleva años en las cocinas de todo el mundo? Pues fácil: en la eficiencia y el respeto por el medio ambiente.

Aun así, LG ha conseguido mejorar la capacidad de estos frigoríficos para ampliar el espacio en el que almacenar alimentos. Y todo ello sin dejar de lado la innovación a la hora de enfriar el interior de manera uniforme, o creando diferentes apartados para distintos tipos de alimentos con sus propias condiciones de frío. Hacemos un repaso de las cualidades de estos frigoríficos combi de LG de 2019 en estos cinco puntos.

Máxima eficiencia del mercado con hasta A+++ (-40%)

Si eres de los que piensa de cara al futuro, LG ha conseguido diseñar frigoríficos combi que alcanzan la máxima categoría de eficiencia energética que hay actualmente en el mercado: hasta A+++ (-40%). Es decir, que es capaz de ahorrar todavía un 40% extra más allá que otros electrodomésticos con esta categoría A+++. Pero ¿en qué se traduce todo esto?


Pues, comparado con otros frigoríficos de la propia marca LG, reducen hasta un 71% el consumo de la factura de la luz. Lo que, a 10 años vista, supondría un ahorro de 500 euros en esta factura. Así que queda claro que no solo son una apuesta por la eficiencia energética y el consumo, sino que es algo que se deja notar finalmente en el bolsillo. Y aún más.

Along with energy efficiency and savings for our finances, this lower consumption also has a significant impact on the environment. And it is that LG also calculates the reduction of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere by 80%. That is, more than 900kg of this component that the new combi refrigerators can reduce in a period of 10 years. Something that LG is aware of in its reforestation campaigns and concern for the environment.

In short, the new refrigerators mean lower electricity consumption, lower electricity bills and lower CO2 emissions. Without, at the moment, there is a parallel in this market .

Even wider

But at LG they have not only thought about how to improve their performance, but also how to give them more capacity. And they have come up with the formula when redesigning the walls of these appliances. With this, and compared to the combi refrigerators of the previous generation, this 2019 it is possible to find 12% more capacity. That is said fast, but it means going from 343 liters to 384 liters of capacity .

más amplios

It is not that they are bigger on the outside, but that there is more space on the inside . So now they are able to consume less energy and preserve more food in its optimal condition for longer. Double savings if you make large purchases.

DoorCooling: maximum freshness

Los frigoríficos combi de LG de 2019 llegan rediseñados por fuera, y también por dentro. Más allá de sus paredes más finas para tener más espacio, LG ha desarrollado una nueva tecnología para mejorar la distribución del frío por todos sus rincones. Incluso en las baldas de las puertas, que siempre se encuentran ante un mayor contraste de temperatura por ser las piezas móviles que dan al exterior del frigorífico. ¿Cómo? Pues con una cascada de frío.

LG lo llama DoorCooling y consiste en una cascada de frío desde la parte superior a la inferior, los alimentos se enfrían un 32% más rápido. Con ello se consigue preservar estos productos frescos aunque abramos la puerta varias veces al día, con lo que su deterioro es menor al evitar los contrastes de temperatura. Pero hay más.


LinearCooling technology is also present throughout the entire refrigerator, with 9 air vents distributed throughout it. Thanks to this, it is possible to maintain a stable temperature that does not vary by half a degree up or down. A constant temperature, without peaks, during the 24 hours that the refrigerator is connected.

All this translates into a longer and fresher survival of all foods . It doesn't matter where they are in the fridge. Even if we put them on the door. Everything remains fresh in every way.

For example, we can find the FreshConverter drawer , where it is possible to regulate the temperature between -2 and +3 degrees Celsius. All this according to the type of food that we keep in it: be it beers, meat, fish or vegetables. Thus, the best temperature is achieved depending on the type of food, improving its conservation.

But if what concerns you is the freshness and humidity of the vegetables or fruits, the FreshBalancer drawer with Magic Crisper  allows you to regulate it in a specific space. Place where vegetables and fruits will remain in better condition for longer. With the feeling that they are freshly picked from the garden.

More reliable and durable refrigerators

Another interesting point to note is that LG's 2019 refrigerators have a 10-year warranty. And it is that the company really believes in its product. Especially in the compressor that they have redesigned and installed in all of them to offer this power and qualities. It is the so-called  Inverter Linear Compressor , and its qualities include having fewer parts than a normal compressor. Its design is smart, and therefore it only has one friction part, which greatly reduces the long-term wear of this part, and reduces the noise of this engine by 25%. All this achieving the effect of the aforementioned LinearCooling technology, with a stable cold production that avoids temperature changes and, therefore, keeps food fresh for longer.

So LG's fridge freezers are appliances made to last at least 10 years. But there is a special range of these appliances called Centum System that extend the warranty another 10 years. Which means that if we choose one of these advanced refrigerators with LG's new technology, we will have a total of 20 years of warranty . All of them have a guaranteed useful life of 22 years.

Smart and smart interior design

And be careful when we look inside the 2019 LG combi refrigerators, because they bring all kinds of spaces and tools for each of the foods that we want to keep in them. Not only do they have a more spacious design and feature cooling-enhancing technology, but they also think individually about the products we keep in their drawers . Both in the refrigerator part and in the freezer part.

LG con diseño inteligente

They have also thought of users who keep pots or soda bottles in the refrigerator, creating a folding shelf that allows to store objects of great volume or higher than usual. As for the bottles, there is also a bottle rack type space with space for five containers.


En el congelador, por su parte, se ha pensado en dar más espacio a uno de los cajones. Lo necesario para almacenar piezas más grandes. De esta manera existen dos tamaños de cajones, dando versatilidad al congelador para acoger toda clase de alimentos, en diferentes formatos o recipientes.

Todo ello hace que los nuevos frigoríficos de LG sean los más eficientes del mercado con la mayor capacidad, y además te permitan disfrutar de la máxima frescura en todos los sentidos, cuidando de ti y del planeta.
