How to upload videos in high HD quality on Facebook for mobile

Facebook HD Videos

The next time you upload videos to Facebook you can do it in normal quality or in HD. What until now was a feature in beta, has become an official option in the current mobile version of the platform. The maximum resolution to which the videos can be uploaded, if you opt for it, has a maximum of 1,280 x 720 pixels, which technically translates into HD. Users who choose this quality must take into account that it occupies more , and therefore the data expenditure is greater, so it will always be better to do it when connected to a WiFi network.

From now on, users who want to can upload videos to Facebook in SD or HD quality. This feature has been available for some time in the beta version of the application, but it is now appearing for users of the latest version as well. The difference, of course, is obvious. The fact of uploading videos in HD quality implies that the quality will be much better, although it will also consume more data. We recommend that you always use this option when you are using a WiFi connection. It makes no sense to upload videos in HD quality if you are with your data connection. The maximum video resolution on Facebookfor normal accounts it will be 720p from now on, that is to say 1,280 x 720 pixels.

Facebook HD Videos

All users who so decide can activate the upload of HD videos individually for a specific video, or as a default option for all videos. To do this, at the time of uploading a video to Facebook will be necessary to press the button Enhance Video to enter the function. There will appear a button to activate or deactivate the upload in HD . The first time it is changed, the system will ask the user if they want to upload all their next videos also in HD quality . It will also be possible to change this yourself. To do this, go to Facebook and in the application Settings look for the new optionUpload HD videos. If you see that it does not appear, be patient, since Facebook is activating all the news little by little.

Facebook keeps adding changes to the videos section. A few weeks ago we also learned that he will add filters to his live videos, something that we have already seen on Snapchat , but that would be inspired more by Prisma for the artistic. Facebook's new system would incorporate filters into real-time broadcasts using technology that would run at 24 frames per second. The social network is obsessed with the issue of live videos, since, according to its predictions, by 2020, videos will generate 70 percent of traffic through Facebook, WhatsApp or Instagram. This means that it will be a very important part and that, therefore, you have to put a lot of care in taking care of this section.