That's how expressive the new Facebook Like button is

facebook buttons

Something is brewing on the social network Facebook . And it is that for some time a strong rumor affirms that, soon, a new button I do not like will appear , so requested by users. Well, a new rumor claims that not only one button will appear, but up to six more different ones . A whole range of expressions with which to offer the sensations that cause an information, publication or content shared through the most massive social network in the world.

The information comes through Engadget in Spanish , who has had access to this information without commenting on its sources. The point is that, according to the publication, they assure that Facebook will have six more buttons , apart from the classic Like . A function that will begin to be tested from Friday, October 9 in Ireland and Spain , according to other media. With this, the social network would gain in expressiveness , not being forced to click on a button that says I like it when the content is not to the user's liking.

facebook buttons like

To do this, according to the image created by Engadget from the information they have received (and which could therefore be significantly different from the final buttons on Facebook), before giving a final assessment of a publication, a pop-up submenu would be displayed . A series of seven buttons with a whole range of expressions that go from the classic I like , to a clear example of anger or hatred , passing through others such as amazement or sadness .

These buttons would be represented by faces or emoticons that would leave no doubt as to the sensation that such publication causes to users. Thus, the variety is remarkably open to the only positive evaluation that currently exists. At the moment no further information is known about these buttons, or their implementation . Only that they would appear in the coming days as a test for some users, allowing them to express something more about a content without having to elaborate on the comments. Something much more dynamic and useful that could reduce the use of the comments section , but increase user ratings .

facebook buttons

At the moment Facebook has not confirmed or denied anything, although this series of buttons makes sense if you pay attention to the rumors about the I do not like button in which the social network is working. Of course, the end result seems to be something more complex than the duality “I like / I don't like it” . Something that could change the experience of using this service to motivate users to express themselves more easily.

It will also be necessary to see if Facebook decides to implement these buttons in its web version or, as up to now, it will continue to bet on first updating the mobile version through applications . And that is where this social network is most used . Data that, for the moment, can only be expected from those users who are the lucky ones to try these new buttons exclusively in the coming days, if the rumors are true.

Update: The North American media The Verge confirms the information from Engadget in Spanish by publishing a report about these new buttons on the social network Facebook . And, according to what they say, the head of the product of the Facebook Latest News section, Adam Mosseri , has told them everything about these emoticons to show more expressiveness around a publication. Thus, the social network would have studied the comments of a single word to select this first collection of emoticons. Expressions such as "haha" or "wow" (amazement) have served to identify the main sensations and ratings shared by Facebook users, and have determined the use of these six new buttons that could be expanded in the future, as The Verge suggests . In addition, as shown in his report, these emoticons would have a counter to measure what sensations the content mostly offers. Something very similar to the classic Like. It is also confirmed that they will arrive in Ireland and Spain from tomorrow to be tested in detail, since they are populations with fewer international friends , according to Mosseri , being able to avoid misunderstandings and problems by not seeing these new buttons between users from different countries.

facebook buttons like