9 Useful Registry Tricks To Improve Windows 10 Performance

9 useful registry tricks to improve Windows 10 performance

The registry is an essential component that allows the proper functioning of the Windows 10 operating system. Advanced users often use this part of the operating system to make modifications with the intention of improving the performance of their computer. In this article we explain 9 tricks that you can use to improve the functioning of your Windows 10 PC through the registry.

How to access the Windows registry

Accessing the Windows 10 Registry is very simple, you just have to use the Windows + R key combination, and type the word " regedit " in the dialog box that will open. After that, click on Run. Don't forget to take the necessary precautions before making changes to the Windows registry.

Disable lock screen

The lock screen adds a layer of computer extract security making it necessary to use a password or PIN code to log in again. However, if you find it uncomfortable, how can you deactivate it in a fairly simple way.

For this you need to navigate to the following route:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ N-SPOLITIES \ N-Microsoft Windows Policy

Once inside, you have to use the right mouse button to click on the "Windows" option in the left panel. After that, choose the options "New -> Password" and name it "Personalization".

Disable lock screen 1

Now select this customization option that you have created with the main mouse button, then right click on an empty space and select "New" - "DWORD Value (32-bit)". Name the value “NoLockScreen”, and change “Value data” to “1”.

Disable lock screen 2

Show detailed information about startup

This is an option that you can use if you are having problems with your computer , since it will show you a large amount of information during the operating system startup process.

Go to the following route:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Wow6432Node \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ System

After that, right-click on a blank space on the right and select “New” - “DWORD Value (32-bit)”.

Assign the value name "VerboseStatus", double click with the main mouse button and modify the value to 1.

Show detailed information about startup

Open the last active window in the taskbar

Windows 10 groups all the open windows of an application in the same icon located on the system taskbar, so that you have to click to show all the open windows it contains.

You may prefer to go directly to the last open application by clicking on the icon on the taskbar.

To do this, go to the Registry Editor and navigate to:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ Advanced

Again click using the secondary mouse button on an empty space in the panel located on the right side of the interface and create a value "DWORD (32-bit)" which you should call "LastActiveClick". Once created, you will also have to change the value to 1 as we have done before.

Open the last active window in the taskbar

Disable Aero Shake

Aero Shake is a feature that makes it possible to minimize windows by shaking it. A feature that very few users use, but it consumes a lot of resources .

To remove it, navigate to:

Computer \ HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ Advanced

Now use the right mouse button on a blank space to create a new DWORD value (32-bit), and name it “DisallowShaking”. Guess the next step, you will have to change the information box of the value to 1 and goodbye to the shaking.

Disable Aero Shake

Remove the OneDrive button from File Explorer

If you don't use OneDrive, it doesn't make sense for the icon to be loaded in the Windows 10 file explorer. Disabling it will mean fewer background processes on your computer.

Go to the following path:

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ CLSID \ {018D5C66-4533-4307-9B53-224DE2ED1FE6}

Now you have to double click on the option "System.IsPinnedToNameSpaceTree" in the right panel and modify its value to "0". After that, the OneDrive icon will no longer load on your computer.

Remove the OneDrive button from File Explorer

Remove the sidebar from Windows 10 Action Center

The Action Center sidebar on Windows 10 system offers quick access to many useful buttons and notifications. If you find them unnecessary and feel uncomfortable having too many of them, then you can consider disabling them . To do this, go to the following location in the registry:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ ImmersiveShell

Now create the value "UseActionCenterExpeirence" in the right pane and change its value to "0". It will help you have a smaller and cleaner notification panel.

Increase virtual memory security

Your system uses a portion of the hard drive as virtual memory in the form of a page file when it runs out of physical RAM. These page files remain on the system even after shutting down , making it prone to tampering.

To fix it, you may consider deleting the page file every time the PC shuts down.

To activate this setting, go to:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ Session Manager \ Memory Management

Now double click with the main mouse button on the value "ClearPageFileAtShutDown" and change its value to 1.

Increase virtual memory security

Disable Windows startup delay

This setting is intended to speed up the startup process . To do this, go to the Registry location mentioned below:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer

Now right click on a blank space and create a new key called “Serialize”. Create a new 32-bit DWORD value inside called "StartupDelayInMSec" and set it as 0.

Disable Windows startup delay

Reduces the duration of the Windows menu animation

If you find that the menus are not fast, you may consider adjusting the duration of Windows menu animations . To do this, go to the path:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Control Panel \ Desktop

Reduces the duration of the menu animation

Scroll down to find the “MenuShowDelay” entry in the right pane. Now double click on it to open it. It will display the default value data at 400 (milliseconds), change it to a lower value (around 200) to shorten the duration of animations.