Barcelona metro, more than 100 images of the metro, bus and commuter plan

Barcelona metro, more than 100 images of the metro, bus and commuter plan

The metro networks are there to simplify things. And they do. Because moving around cities like Madrid or Barcelona is much easier if we do it by metro. If you have to travel around the city every day , both to go to work and to take your children to school, the metro is an excellent option.

Almost always better than traveling by public bus. Because you want to or not, when moving on the surface you have to deal with urban traffic . And that is one of the great disadvantages of moving around a city at eight in the morning.

But let's make it easy for you. Today we have compiled for you more than 100 images of the Barcelona metro, bus and suburban map . And this not only includes the big city, but also the cities integrated into the metropolitan area.

If you need information about public transport in Barcelona, ​​either because you are going to live there or because you are visiting, here are  images with plans of the metro, bus, tram and commuter lines to download.

Barcelona metro

Images of the Barcelona Metro map

If you are going to use the Barcelona metro in a generalized way, the best thing you can do is always have a complete metro map at hand. On the redtransporte page you will find countless maps, not only of Barcelona, ​​but of all the cities in Spain that have metro transport. In this way, and although at the stations you will always find maps and indicators, this will help you plan your trips at any time . Being so graphic, it is very easy to make a fairly exact sketch of all possible lines, stations and transfers.

Bear in mind, of course, that in order to access reliable information, it is convenient to download and print updated maps . In recent years, important works have been carried out on the Barcelona Metro which, as in Madrid, have led to important changes in the map of the Metro lines.

In any case, below we offer you a total of twenty images to print of the entire Barcelona metro . They are free, so you can download and print them as many times as you want: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 , 19 and 20.

Images of the Barcelona metro line by line

The Barcelona metro network is an important network of 8 lines, with a length of 146 kilometers, 156 stations and a total of 140 trains. After Madrid, it is the second largest metro network in Spain . But this is not all, because the one in Barcelona is the first to have several metro lines in which the trains run without a driver. Fully automatic.

In addition to serving the city of Barcelona, ​​as we said at the beginning, the Barcelona Metro also facilitates travel for people who reside in cities in the metropolitan area . These are the following: Badalona, ​​Cornellí de Llobregat, Esplugues de Llobregat, Hospitalet de Llobregat, Montcada i Reixac, El Prat de Llobregat, Sant Adrií del Besí²s, Sant Boi de Llobregat and Santa Coloma de Gramenet.

Currently, the rates are regulated by the Metropolitan Transportation Authority. Of course, the management is carried out through two operators: TMB and FGC. This means that the metro transport system is integrated with the urban bus networks, interurban buses, the tram, the Montjuic Funicular and the Renfe Cercanías or Rodalies trains.

If you are interested in a particular line, we offer  images of the plane Barcelona metro, line by line .

L1 - Hospital de Bellvitge / Fund

L1 - Hospital de Bellvitge / Fund

Bellvitge (change with: Rodalies de Catalunya), Av. Carrilet (change with: Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya), Rambla Just Oliveras (change with: Rodalies de Catalunya), Can Serra, Florida, Torrassa, Santa Eulí lia, Mercat Nou , Plaí§a de Sants (change with: metro L5), Hostafrancs, Espanya (change with: metro L3, Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya), Rocafort, Urgell, Universitat (change with: metro L2), Catalunya (change with: metro L3), Urquinaona (change with: metro L4), Arc de Triomf (change with: Rodalies de Catalunya), Marina (change with: Trambaix), Glí²ries (change with: Trambaix), Clot (change with: metro L2), Navas, La Sagrera (change with: metro L5, metro L9, metro L10), Fabra i Puig, Sant Andreu, Torras i Bages, Trinitat Vella, Baró de Viver, Santa Coloma, Fondo (change with: metro L9).

Download the image of L1 - Hospital Bellvitge / Fondo

L2 - Paral·lel / Badalona Pompeu Fabra

L2 - Paral·lel / Badalona Pompeu Fabra

Paral·lel (transfer with: metro L3), Sant Antoni, Universitat (transfer with: metro L1), Passeig de Grí cia (transfer with: metro L3, metro L4, Rodalies de Catalunya), Tetuan, Monumental, Sagrada Família (transfer with: metro L5), Encants, Clot (change with: metro L1), Bac de Roda, Sant Martí, La Pau (change with: metro L4), Verneda, Artigues / Sant Adrií, Sant Roc (change with: Trambaix), Gorg (change with: Trambaix (change with: metro L10), Pep Ventura, Badalona Pompeu Fabra.

Download the image of Parallel / Badalona Pompeu Fabra

L3 - University Zone / Trinitat Nova

L3 - University Zone / Trinitat Nova

Zona Universití ria (change with: Trambaix), Palau Reial (change with: Trambaix), Maria Cristina (change with: Trambaix), Les Corts, Plaí§a del Center, Sants Estació (change with: metro L5), Tarragona, Spain (transfer with: metro L1, Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya), Poble Sec, Paral·lel (transfer with: metro L2, Funicular), Drassanes, Liceu, Catalunya (transfer with: metro L1), Passeig de Grí cia (transfer with: metro L2, metro L4, Rodalies de Catalunya), Diagonal (change with: metro L5), Fontana, Lesseps, Vallcarca, Penitents, Vall d'Hebron (change with: metro L5), Montbau, Mundet, Valldaura, Canyelles, Roquetes and Trinitat Nova (change with: metro L4, metro L11).

Download the image of Zona Universití ria / Trinitat Nova

L4 - La Pau / Trinitat Nova

L4 - La Pau / Trinitat Nova

Trinitat Nova (change with: metro L3, metro L11), Via Júlia, Llucmajor, Maragall (change with: metro L5), Guinardó / Hospital de Sant Pau, Alfons X, Joanic, Verdaguer (change with: metro L5), Girona, Passeig de Grí cia (change with: metro L2, metro L3, Rodalies de Catalunya), Urquinaona (change with: metro L1), Jaume I, Barceloneta, Ciutadella / Vila Olímpica (change with: Trambaix), Bogatell, Llacuna, Poblenou, Selva de Mar (change with: Trambaix), El Maresme / Fí²rum, Besí²s Mar, Besí²s (change with: Trambaix) and La Pau (change with: metro L2).

Download the image of La Pau / Trinitat Nova

L5 - Cornellí Center / Vall d'Hebron

L5 - Cornellí Center / Vall d'Hebron

Cornellí Center (change with: Trambaix), Gavarra, Sant Ildefons, Can Boixeres, Can Vidalet, Pubilla Cases, Collblanc, Badal, Plaí§a de Sants (change with: metro L1), Sants Estació (change with: metro L3), Entení§a, Hospital Clínic, Diagonal (change with: metro L3), Verdaguer (change with: metro L4), Sagrada Família (change with: metro L2), Sant Pau / Dos de Maig, Camp de l'Arpa, La Sagrera (transfer with: metro L1, metro L9, metro L10), Congrés, Maragall (transfer with: metro L4), Virrei Amat, Vilapicina, Horta, El Carmel, El Coll / La Teixonera and Vall d'Hebron (transfer with: metro L3).

Download the image of Cornellí Center / Vall d'Hebron

L9 N - La Sagrera / Can Zam

L9 N - La Sagrera / Can Zam

La Sagrera (change with: metro L1, metro L5, metro L10), Onze de Setembre (change with: metro L10), Bon Pastor (change with: metro L10), Can Peixauet, Santa Rosa, Fondo (change with: metro L1 ), Esdamientos Major, Singuerlín and Can Zam.

Download the image of La Sagrera / Can Zam

L9 S - Aeroport T1 / Zona Universití ria

L9 S - Aeroport T1 / Zona Universití ria

Aeroport T1, Aeroport T2 (change with: Regional train), Mas Blau, Parc Nou, Cí¨ntric, El Prat Estació (change with: Regional train), Les Moreres, Mercabarna, Parc Logístic, Fira, Europa / Fira (change with : train R5, train R6), Can Tries / Gornal, Torrassa (change with: metro L1), Collblanc (change with: metro L5) and Zona Universitaria (change with: metro L3).

Download the image of Aeroport T1 / Zona Universití ria

L9 S - Aeroport T1 / Zona Universití ria

L10 - La Sagrera / Gorg

La Sagrera (change with: metro L1, metro L5, metro L9), Onze de Setembre (change with: metro L9), Bon Pastor (change with: metro L9), Llefií, La Salut and Gorg (change with: Trambaix (change with: meter L2).

Download the image of La Sagrera / Gorg

L11 - Trinitat Nova / Can Cuií s

L11 - Trinitat Nova / Can Cuií s

Trinitat Nova (change with: metro L3, metro L4), Casa de l'Aigua, Torre Baró / Vallbona, Ciutat Meridiana and Can Cuií s.

Download the image of Trinitat Nova / Can Cuií s

FM - Paral·lel / Parc de Montjuí¯c

Paral·lel and Parc de Montjuí¯c.

make inquiries about the Barcelona Metro

How to consult the Barcelona Metro in real time

Are you one of those who prefer to use your mobile? Well, don't worry, because Metro de Barcelona also offers you the possibility of making all kinds of inquiries in real time. In addition to taking a look at the maps on the web, you will have the possibility of downloading the maps in PDF. This will help you always have an updated version of the map of the metro network at hand.

In this same, you can make inquiries about stations. And you will also have the option to check if there is any type of incident. If near any of the lines you see the warning icon (it is a yellow triangle with an exclamation point), it means that there is some kind of problem.

You can see, for example, if maintenance or improvement improvements are being carried out on escalators, elevators or other elements of the metro network within certain dates. This will be useful if you need to use them, because if they are not operational, you can choose other outputs.  It is important that you take into account all these notifications , because you will avoid problems. And you will not waste time.

Apps and downloads to be aware of everything

If you are on the street and you have your mobile at hand (who doesn't?), Perhaps it will be better if, in addition to having the maps downloaded, you have access to all the information on the Barcelona Metro Network in real time. If you access this page you will see all the options that you have available. They are a total of three:


TMB App provides information about the metro and bus lines. It is used to plan trips, whether only by metro, by bus or with both means of transport. It is also possible to configure alerts to always be warned of any incident. It is available for both iOS and Android.

TMB Maps

TMB Maps is a very interesting online tool to get all the updated information on the status of the metro network and the different lines. Place the stations on the map and provide information on frequencies, incidents, transfers, etc.

Barcelona Tourist Bus

Barcelona Tourist Bus

We will only recommend this to you if you want to travel to Barcelona as a tourist. The Tourist Bus is an excellent option to see the main parts of the city in a fast and guided way. With this application you can see what routes are available and go to the available stops. You can download it on iOS and Android.

Barcelona metro, rodalies, fgc and tram map

Rodalies or Cercanías de Barcelona train map

Barcelona has an important network of Cercanías trains. They are the Rodalies Barcelona and they provide service to all those users who have to travel from the capital of Catalonia, Barcelona, ​​to the cities of the metropolitan network . It is a convenient and integrated service in the Barcelona metro network.

In recent years, the lack of investment by the authorities has meant that the service has deteriorated, with significant delays and constant breakdowns. Currently, there are different lines, which are distinguished by the operator that manages them, but which provide service in the metropolitan area.

To begin with, here are twenty Barcelona Cercanías maps: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and twenty.


Lines managed by Renfe

  • R1. Molins de Rei- Molins de Rei, Sant Feliu de Llobregat, Sant Joan Despí, Cornellí, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Torrasssa, Sants, Plaza de Cataluña, Arco de Triunfo, El Clot-Aragón, Sant Adrií de Besí²s, Badalona, ​​Montgat , Montgat Nord, El Masnou, Ocata, Premií de Mar, Can Pou - Camp de Mar, Vilassar de Mar, Cabrera de Mar-Vilassar de Mar, Mataró Oest, Mataró Center, Mataró Est, Mataró, Sant Andreu de Llavaneres, Caldes d 'Estrac, Arenys de Mar, Canet de Mar, Sant Pol de Mar, Calella, Pineda de Mar, Santa Susanna, Malgrat de Mar, Blanes, Tordera, Maí§anet-Massanes.
  • R2 NORD. Sant Vicení§ de Calders, Vilanova i la Geltrú, Sitges, Castelldefels, Barcelona-Sants, Barcelona-Passeig de Grí cia, Barcelona-Estació de Franí§a, Granollers Center, Sant Celoni, Maí§anet-Massanes
  • R2. Sant Vicení§ de Calders, Vilanova i la Geltrú, Sitges, Castelldefels, Barcelona-Sants, Barcelona, ​​Passeig de Grí cia, Barcelona-Estació de Franí§a, Granollers Center, Sant Celoni, Maí§anet-Massane.
  • R2 SUD. Sant Vicení§ de Calders, Vilanova i la Geltrú, Sitges, Castelldefels, Barcelona-Sants, Barcelona-Passeig de Grí cia, Barcelona-Estació de Franí§a, Granollers Center, Sant Celoni, Maí§anet-Massanes.
  • R3 . L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona-Sants, Barcelona-Plaí§a de Catalunya, Barcelona-Arc de Triomf, Barcelona-Sant Andreu Arenal, Granollers-Canovelles, La Garriga, Vic, Ripoll, Puigcerdí, La Tor de Querol.
  • R4 . Sant Vicení§ de Calders, Vilafranca del Penedí¨s, Martorell, Sant Feliu de Llobrega, L ”™ Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona-Sants, Barcelona-Plaí§a de Catalunya, Barcelona-Arc de Triomf, Barcelona-Sant Andreu Arenal, Cerdanyola del Vallí¨s, Sabadell Center, Terrassa, Manresa.
  • R7 . Barcelona-Sant Andreu Arenal, Montacada-Bifurcació, Montcada i Reixac-Manresa, Montcada i Reixac-Santa Maria, Cerdanyola del Vallí¨s, Cerdanyola-Universitat.
  • R8 . Martorell, Castellbisbal, Rubí, Sant Cugat del Vallí¨s, Cerdanyola-Universitat, Mollet del Vallí¨s-Sant Fost de Campsentelles, Montmeló, Granollers Center.

Barcelona metro, more than 100 images of the metro, bus and commuter map 1

Lines managed by Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya

First of all, there are the Barcelona - Vallés lines.

  • S1.  Pl. Catalunya, Provení§a, Grí cia, Muntaner, Sarrií, Peu del Funicular, Baixador de Vallvidrera, Les Planes, La Floresta, Valldoreix, Sant Cugat, Mira-sol, Hospital General, Rubí, Les Fonts, Terrassa - Rambla, Vallparadís Universitat, Terrassa Estació del Nord, Terrassa Nacions Unides.
  • S2 . Pl. Catalunya, Provení§a, Grí cia, Muntaner, Sarrií, Peu del Funicular, Baixador de Vallvidrera, Les Planes, La Floresta, Valldoreix, Sant Cugat, Volpelleres, Sant Joan, Bellaterra, Autí²noma University, Sant Quirze, Can Feu | Grí cia, Sabadell Plaí§a Major, La Creu Alta, Sabadell Nord, Sabadell Parc del Nord.
  • S5 . Pl. Catalunya, Provení§a, Grí cia, Sant Gervasi, Muntaner, La Bonanova, Les Tres Torres, Sarrií, La Floresta, Valldoreix, Sant Cugat, Mira-sol, General Hospital, Rubí.
  • S6 . Pl. Catalunya, Provení§a, Grí cia, Sant Gervasi, Muntaner, La Bonanova, Les Tres Torres, Sarrií, La Floresta, Valldoreix, Sant Cugat, Volpelleres, Sant Joan, Bellaterra, Universitat Autí²noma.
  • S7 . Pl. Catalunya, Provení§a, Grí cia, Sant Gervasi, Muntaner, La Bonanova, Les Tres Torres, Sarrií, La Floresta, Valldoreix, Sant Cugat, Mira-sol, General Hospital, Rubí.


Second, the Llobregat - Anoia lines.

  • S3 . Pl. Espanya, Magí²ria-La Campana, Ildefons Cerdí, Europe | Fira, Gornal, Sant Josep, L'Hospitalet-Av. Carrilet, Almeda, Cornellí Riera, Sant Boi, Molí Nou-Ciutat Cooperativa, Colí²nia Gí¼ell, Santa Coloma de Cervelló, Sant Vicení§ dels Horts, Can Ros.
  • S4 . Pl. Espanya, Magí²ria-La Campana, Ildefons Cerdí, Europe | Fira, Gornal, Sant Josep, L'Hospitalet-Av. Carrilet, Almeda, Cornellí Riera, Sant Boi, Molí Nou-Ciutat Cooperativa, Colí²nia Gí¼ell, Santa Coloma de Cervelló, Sant Vicení§ dels Horts, Can Ros, Quatre Camins, Pallejí, Sant Andreu de la Barca, El Palau, Martorell Vila, Martorell Central, Martorell Enllaí§, Abrera, Olesa de Montserrat (train).
  • S8 . Pl. Espanya, Magí²ria-La Campana, Ildefons Cerdí, Europe | Fira, Gornal, Sant Josep, L'Hospitalet-Av. Carrilet, Almeda, Cornellí Riera, Sant Boi, Molí Nou-Ciutat Cooperativa, Colí²nia Gí¼ell, Santa Coloma de Cervelló, Sant Vicení§ dels Horts, Can Ros, Quatre Camins, Pallejí, Sant Andreu de la Barca, El Palau, Martorell Vila, Martorell Central, Martorell Enllaí§.
  • S9 . Pl. Espanya, Magí²ria-La Campana, Ildefons Cerdí, Europe | Fira, Gornal, Sant Josep, L'Hospitalet-Av. Carrilet, Almeda, Cornellí Riera, Sant Boi, Molí Nou-Ciutat Cooperativa, Colí²nia Gí¼ell, Santa Coloma de Cervelló, Sant Vicení§ dels Horts, Can Ros, Quatre Camins.
  • R5 . Pl. Espanya, Magí²ria-La Campana, Ildefons Cerdí, Europe | Fira, Gornal, Sant Josep, L'Hospitalet-Av. Carrilet, Almeda, Cornellí Riera, Sant Boi, Molí Nou-Ciutat Cooperativa, Sant Vicení§ dels Horts, Can Ros, Quatre Camins, Pallejí, Sant Andreu de la Barca, El Palau, Martorell Central, Martorell Enllaí§, Abrera, Olesa de Montserrat (train), Montserrat-Aeri, Monistrol de Montserrat (train), Castellbell i el Vilar, Sant Vicení§-CastellGalí, Manresa-Viladordis, Manresa-Alta, Manresa-Baixador.
  • R6 . Pl. Espanya, Magí²ria-La Campana, Ildefons Cerdí, Europe | Fira, Gornal, Sant Josep, L'Hospitalet-Av. Carrilet, Almeda, Cornellí Riera, Sant Boi, Molí Nou-Ciutat Cooperativa, Santa Coloma de Cervelló, Sant Vicení§ dels Horts, Can Ros, Quatre Camins, Pallejí, Sant Andreu de la Barca, El Palau, Martorell Central, Martorell Enllaí§ , Sant Esteve Sesrovires, La Beguda, Can Parellada, Masquefa, Piera, Vallbona d'Anoia, Capellades, La Pobla de Claramunt, Vilanova del Camí, Igualada.
  • R50 . Pl. Espanya, Ildefons Cerdí, Europe | Fira, Gornal, Sant Josep, L'Hospitalet-Av. Carrilet, Almeda, Cornellí Riera, Sant Boi, Sant Vicení§ dels Horts, Pallejí, Sant Andreu de la Barca, Martorell Central, Abrera, Olesa de Montserrat (train), Monistrol de Montserrat (train), Sant Vicení§-CastellGalí, Manresa -Viladordis, Manresa-Alta, Manresa-Baixador.
  • R60 . Pl. Espanya, Ildefons Cerdí, Europe | Fira, Gornal, Sant Josep, L'Hospitalet-Av. Carrilet, Almeda, Cornellí Riera, Sant Boi, Santa Coloma de Cervelló, Sant Vicení§ dels Horts, Sant Andreu de la Barca, Martorell Central, Sant Esteve Sesrovires, Masquefa, Piera, Vallbona d'Anoia, Capellades, La Pobla de Claramunt, Vilanova del Camí, Igualada.

Barcelona bus map

Barcelona bus maps

Another way of getting around the city of Barcelona is the urban bus network. In total, the current TMB network is 108 lines, divided into 5 fast transit lines and 103 regular lines. The bus fleet is 1,065 cars, which move every day several times in over 880 line kilometers .

If you plan to move by bus, it would be interesting for you to consult the TMB application directly. Or that you access the bus map directly. From here you can search, plan your routes and find those buses or lines that can best go to get to any point in the city of Barcelona . Keep in mind that there are more than a hundred lines of operation.

Here you have a total of ten maps of the Barcelona urban bus network : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.

Barcelona tram maps

Barcelona tram maps

And we end with another interesting formulas of public transport to move around Barcelona is the tram . If you want to make any questions about the lines, you can directly access the TRAM website.

The TRAM in Barcelona consists of two networks - Trambaix and Trambesí²s - which are made up of 6 lines and a total of 29.2 kilometers. We are talking about a total of 56 stops . And they are the following.

  • T1 . Francesc Macií, L ”™ Illa, Numí ncia, Maria Cristina, Pius XII, Palau Reial, Zona Universití ria, Avinguda de Xile, Ernest Lluch, Can Rigal, Ca n” ™ Oliveres, Can Clota, Pont d ”™ Esplugues, La Sardana, Montesa, El Pedró, Ignasi Iinados, Cornellí Center, Les Aigí¼es, Fontsanta / Fatjó, Bon Viatge.
  • T2 . Francesc Macií, L ”™ Illa, Numí ncia, Maria Cristina, Pius XII, Palau Reial, Zona Universití ria, Avinguda de Xile, Ernest Lluch, Can Rigal, Ca n” ™ Oliveres, Can Clota, Pont d ”™ Esplugues, La Sardana, Montesa, El Pedró, Ignasi Iinados, Cornellí Center, Les Aigí¼es, Fontsanta / Fatjó, Bon Viatge, La Fontsanta, Center Miquel Martí i Pol, Llevant-Les planes.
  • T3 . Francesc Macií, L ”™ Illa, Numí ncia, Maria Cristina, Pius XII, Palau Reial, Zona Universití ria, Avinguda de Xile, Ernest Lluch, Can Rigal, Ca n” ™ Oliveres, Can Clota, Pont d ”™ Esplugues, La Sardana, Montesa, Hospital Sant Joan Despí / TV3, Rambla de Sant Just, Walden, Torreblanca, Sant Feliu / Consell Comarcal.
  • T4 . Ciutadella / Vila Olímpica, Wellington, Marina, Auditori / Teatre Nacional, Glí²ries, Ca l ”™ Aranyó, Pere IV, Fluvií, Selva de Mar, El Maresme, Fí²rum, Campus Diagonal-Besí²s, Port Fí²rum, Estació de Sant Adrií.
  • T5 . Glí²ries, La Farinera, Can Jaumandreu, Espronceda, Sant Martí de Provení§als, Besí²s, Alfons el Magní nim, Parc del Besí²s, La Catalana, Sant Joan Baptista, Encants de Sant Adrií, Sant Roc, Gorg.
  • T6 . Glí²ries, La Farinera, Can Jaumandreu, Espronceda, Sant Martí de Provení§als, Besí²s, Alfons el Magní nim, Parc del Besí²s, La Mina, Port Fí²rum, Estació de Sant Adrií.

If you want to download a complete map of the TRAM of Barcelona , you have the following: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.