How to make Google Chrome consume less memory in Windows

Google Chrome

Google Chrome is the king of browsers. It is compatible with any device, offers a good user experience and also comes with countless extensions that can be downloaded from the Chrome Web Store. As if that were not enough, it synchronizes with our Google account and allows us to have all our favorites on any computer, as well as the same tabs that we leave open. However, the desktop version of Google Chrome can affect the performance of our computer due to the way it handles processes. If we open the task manager and go to the processes tab, we will see that there are several entries for the Chrome.exe process. This is because the browser opens a new process for each tab we run. While it is not a problem in more advanced machines, if our computer has a more limited technical profile, it can end up slowing down the system since each process consumes RAM memory . There is a very simple solution that can improve this problem, by making Google Chrome open a process for each website and not for each tab.

There's a reason Google Chrome works this way, and it's to offer stability . When running in separate processes, if a tab fails (for example because Adobe Flash Player stops working) it will only affect that tab , whereas otherwise multiple tabs would be affected. The trick is very simple and with it we manage to reduce the number of processes that Chrome occupies . If, for example, we open two tabs with different Facebook pages, it is normal for Chrome to create two processes, but with this trick it groups them by website. We tell you how to make Google Chrome consume less RAM memory by reducing processes with a simple command.

Chrome RAM hack

1) We go to the Google Chrome shortcut and right click on the icon. In the pop-up menu, at the bottom, click on Properties .

Chrome RAM hack

2) Within the Properties menu you have to enter the Direct Access tab if it does not appear active by default. We have to write the command in the Destination section , right at the end of the path that appears in quotation marks.

"" Process-per-site

Chrome RAM hack

3) Be careful when copying the command and make sure you have left a space between the last quotation mark and the first character of the command, which in this case is a hyphen. If you don't leave that space, a message will appear saying that the command is wrong.

Chrome RAM hack

4) Finally, click on the Apply button and it will ask us for administrator permissions to complete the action.

If we restart Chrome and start opening tabs, the Task Manager will show us fewer processes, although only if we have several tabs on the same website. As we said, Chrome offers a good user experience and does not usually cause problems on most computers, but if you have a simpler device, this trick can significantly improve the operation of the Chrome browser.