Google Drive for Windows incorporates desktop shortcuts for faster editing

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The Google company continues to provide improvements to its cloud storage system, Google Drive . Now he has just presented a novelty that he has made public through his blog and that consists of adding direct access icons to all computers that work through the Windows operating system . From now on , the install software from Google Drive for PC , the user will be able to see immediately the shortcut icons for each of the editors of Google Drive . We refer, of course, to the tools that allow us to access the editing of simple documents, spreadsheets and slidesor presentations. It is about making it much easier for the user to work with their documents in the cloud , including those of a collaborative nature.

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This new option puts the Microsoft Office suite in check , whose shortcuts are also usually located on the desktop. And it is that from now on, with the incorporation of these icons, it will be much easier to connect to Google Docs and enjoy the storage on the computer by sharing it in the cloud. If you look closely at the image, you will see that the user can quickly access Google Docs (Documents), Google Sheets (Spreadsheets) and Google Slides (Presentations), but also the general folder of Google Drive , the gateway to all content that each user has stored in this online system.

And what do you have to do to start editing? Well, all you have to do is double click on each of these icons and start your Google account with the corresponding user data. The editor will automatically open and you can start working on your stuff. You should know, for your convenience, that the system works in a completely synchronized way , so that all the created contents will be automatically saved in your space in Google Drive and you can have them at any time, when you need it.

Unfortunately, this important addition will not be available immediately. The Google company has already announced, yes, that the shortcuts will reach all users who use the Google Drive desktop software for Windows in the coming weeks. It is possible that the update will come gradually, although it is most likely that everyone will have this functionality at almost the same time . At the moment there is no news about the incorporation of this novelty for other operating systems such as Mac OS X or Linux . We have tested it for Windows and we can say that it is already working.

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If you use Google Drive but have not yet installed it on your computer (you can, in fact, use it quickly through your browser), it will be enough for you to access this service with your username and password and select the option Download Drive for PC , located at the bottom of the column that you will find on the left side of your screen. As soon as you click, the system will download an EXE file that you must run to start the download. By having this system installed on your computer, it will be easier and more comfortable to use Google Drive , since you will not have to access the browser each time to view and edit your files.