The 5 best websites and 5 apps to see the 14-day weather

application time 14 days

Knowing the weather in our city is as simple as looking at Google and indicating the magic words “today's weather in Madrid”. The problem with the big G is that the algorithm does not go beyond the forecast two days from the current date of the search. For this we will have to resort to applications and web pages to see the time at 14 days , 10 or 7, or what is the same, at a week or even two. This time we have made a compilation of several of the best websites and apps to see the 14-day weather forecast (or the number that we indicate).


see weather forecast for 14 days 1

The page is probably the best website in Spanish to see the time at 14 days. During the first 10 days, the web offers us a detailed prediction by hours of the temperatures of each section of the day: morning, afternoon and night.

It also shows us the probability of rain, the maximum drop in temperatures and the average wind speed during the day. From the eleventh day, however, the web will show us a more limited forecast of the days until the fortnight , at least with regard to temperature. The rain and wind forecast are maintained, although with a lesser degree of success.


A page similar to El Tiempo, with the difference that its interface is somewhat more elaborate than that of the latter. Otherwise, the website has the same options as the previous one.

15-day weather forecast and detailed data on rain, wind speed and sunrise and sunset times . Perhaps the most important difference with El Tiempo is that it shows a detailed forecast after the first 10 days, although again with a lower hit rate.

It also has the possibility of exporting the forecast to a PDF document to view it without the need for an Internet connection.

Your time

Perhaps the name is not the most original of this type of page, but its options are. Your Weather comes as one more option whose main characteristic is based on the hourly forecast for the next 14 days , in such a way that the web shows a history of the temperature and weather conditions for all hours of the day.

In addition to having the different phases of the Moon and a section dedicated to Spanish beaches , it has a weather map of the entire region and a video that predicts the situation for the next few days.

Time and Temperature

see weather forecast for 14 days 3

A website very similar to Tu Tiempo where the first thing we will see will be a forecast for the next 15 days of the provinces of Spain or the regions of the country from which we visit the web as if it were a television program. If we click on each of the provinces, we can see more detailed information on several of the most important cities in the region.

Time and Temperature also has an inserted search engine that allows us to search by city or municipality. The information displayed does not differ excessively from that of the rest of the options: maximum and minimum temperature, weather conditions, possibility of rain for 14 days ... The good thing is that it has sections for beaches and ski resorts, essential for a good number of persons.


see weather forecast for 14 days 4

The State Meteorological Agency, from which all the pages drink to see the 14-day forecast, also has a website, although somewhat more limited than the previous ones. The platform, in fact, only has the prediction of the next 7 days .

It is not the most complete page, but it is the one that offers the greatest precision in predictions. And it is that in addition to having the simplest data, it has information such as the thermal sensation, the level of humidity in the environment or the ultraviolet ray index to protect our skin from the sun's rays .

Weather 14 Days

We turn to the application market, and this time we have to talk about El Tiempo 14 Días, a Meteored application that, as the name suggests, shows the prediction of the next two weeks by hours .

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In addition to being compatible with Android Wear, it has its own widget and several options for programs to warn about rain or different weather phenomena. It also has a curious temperature map and a rain radar where we can see the probability of precipitation in real time in any part of Spain or wherever we are located.

The time is

time to 14 days application-2

The El Tiempo page has one of the most complete applications for Android. The mobile version has the same options as the original website. In addition to showing us the usual 14-day forecast, it has several parameters such as air quality, humidity level or snow probability that other applications do not include as standard.

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Another option available to is based on a warning alarm that notifies us in case of high waves, tropical storms or torrential rains if we live on the coast or within an island.

Weather & Radar

The application comes as a 'rain radar' that warns us if the forecast of the possibility of rain indicates it, although it is a complete weather application.

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Beyond its functions such as rain alarm, Weather and Radar, it has most of the options that the rest of the weather applications integrate: time to 14 days, maximum and minimum temperatures and hourly forecast . It also has a snow report that is updated in real time. Unfortunately, some of its features are limited to the Pro version.

AEMET time

The Spanish Meteorological Agency has an Android application and probably the best forecast for the next 7 days . And it is that like the official page, this limits the time to a week.

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For the rest, the app replicates a large part of the information that we can see on the web. Air pollution, thermal sensation, rain or snow warnings, end of atmospheric phenomena and a long etcetera.

Weather forecast

The 5 best websites and 5 apps to see 14-day weather 1

Possibly the least heavy weather app on Android. At just 4 MB in size , Weather Forecast integrates the simplest functions to know the weather forecast for the next 14 days.

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By making use of text and graphics, the application's data usage is very limited , which makes it ideal for those with a reduced data plan.