5 ways to transfer photos from an Android mobile to your PC without using a cable

5 ways to transfer photos from an Android mobile to your PC without using a cable

Technology promised us a future without cables, but at the moment this future is not being fulfilled. If you have ever thought that it is a real hassle to have to connect the phone to the computer when you want to send photos to see them better or edit them, this article is for you.

We have compiled five applications with which you can send photos from your smartphone to your computer without having to connect it . Of course we will need an internet connection, preferably by wifi since we are talking about sending files that, although they are not heavy if they are many, can end our data rate if we are not careful.


AirDroid is possibly the application par excellence to transfer photos from an Android mobile to the PC without using cables. That is why it is in the first position of this collection. Years ago it had its moment of glory in which it was an application revered by people who wanted everything to be wireless. Today, many of its functions are paid, so its use has been restricted. We have a quota, a limit of data that we can send, if we go over that limit we will not be able to continue sending until it is reestablished the following month.

5 ways to transfer photos from an Android mobile to your PC without using a cable

Using AirDroid is easy, we just have to download it on our Android mobile and on our PC. Once this is done we will log in or create an account. When we have our account ready on the mobile phone we will go to the PC. We just have to install the program and connect with our account. The name of the computer will appear on the Android mobile, if we give it we will go to a window that is like a chat from which we can send the images.

5 ways to transfer photos from an Android mobile to your PC without using a cable

From the mobile we can choose the photos we want to send. Entering folders individually, selecting several, etc. What it does is that it does not send them in file format so they will lose a bit of quality. There is also the issue of having a transmission quota, which once exceeded we have to wait the following month for it to be renewed. It is an interesting application and one of the best known, but its use in the free version has been greatly limited.

Google Photos

Yes, Google Photos. This application is on all Android phones, is free and is automatically synchronized to our account. The only configuration that this application needs is that we log in with our account and mark the folders that we want to be synchronized. Once this is done, our photos will be accessible from any computer. We will only have to enter Google Photos from our browser and there they will appear.


The photos uploaded to this cloud will be somewhat reduced so they will lose a bit of quality unless you have a Google mobile such as the Google Pixel 2XL or you have bought a storage plan. Taking this aside, it is surely the most comfortable application to use since we do not have to do anything , every time we are on a known Wi-Fi network, the photos will be synchronized.


This instant messaging application has a client for PC. This opens up a very wide range of possibilities. In this specific case we will use it to transfer the photos from our Android mobile to the PC. The first thing we have to do is create a group with a person, once we have created it we delete that person. Now we have a group in which only we are and to which we can send messages, photos, videos, audios, etc.

5 ways to transfer photos from an Android mobile to your PC without using a cable

We have to have WhatsApp installed on our Android mobile and also the client on our PC , although WhatsApp Web also works for us. Once we have this, we can send the photos we want without any limit. We can send them in two ways as a file or in normal format. If we send them in normal format these photos will suffer compression so their quality will be reduced. If we send them in archive mode, their quality will not decrease at all.


To send in file format we have to select Document in the lower menu. A tab will open in which we have to choose the document to send. What we will do is click on "Find other documents ..." this will take us to a menu in which we can select the images we want to send.


The greatest virtue of Telegram is its storage in the cloud. This means that, even if we delete the application, everything that we have written, sent or received will still be stored. This ability gives rise to playing with this instant messaging application. We can use it perfectly to send images from our Android mobile to the PC and it even offers better features.

5 ways to transfer photos from an Android mobile to your PC without using a cable

Telegram offers us a personal chat to which we can send whatever we want and it will be saved in the cloud. The Telegram application also works on the PC without our phone being turned on, so we can access what we have sent, even if we have the phone turned off. It allows us to send uncompressed photos in file format and also create channels or bots to upload the photos to. The weight limit of a file is 1GB so we can even send videos from mobile to PC.

5 ways to transfer photos from an Android mobile to your PC without using a cable

Google drive

This application allows us to have synchronized what we want from the mobile phone to the computer. If we want to see a photo on our computer, all we have to do is upload it to Drive and enter from the browser or if we have the Google Drive client installed, wait for it to synchronize.

5 ways to transfer photos from an Android mobile to your PC without using a cable

The photographs that we upload will not have any type of compression so they will not lose quality. Of course, Google Drive does not give us unlimited storage, we only have 15GB . This amount is perfectly capable of storing thousands of photographs so we don't have to worry, but if we are amateur photographers it never hurts to do a little cleaning every now and then.

5 ways to transfer photos from an Android mobile to your PC without using a cable

We see then that there is no need to use strange or complex applications to send photos from our Android mobile to the PC. Many of the applications we have mentioned are already installed on our phones, all you have to do is make the most of them.